Chapter 8 - (That won't work)

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Somehow I had managed to get myself out of the Dauntless compound without getting caught but my head was telling me that, that was just the easy beginning bit and it was going to get tougher from here.

I had never orientated myself to the fence from the Dauntless compound before but I knew the fence was closer from here than school or Abnegation.

Hauling my body up with ease onto the train, I began figuring out a plan on how to get out of the fence. There's a small break in the fence that I could crawl through but I just couldn't remember where bouts it was and I didn't really have anytime to walk around the whole of the fence. I'd probably get shot anyway and if I didn't then it would take me over two days to walk the whole fence knowing me.

Seeing the light of nearby buildings reflecting of the metal of the fence told me I was getting close and as the train didn't go right up to the fence, I knew I had to jump soon so I took my place at the door, preparing to jump.

Don't think, just jump.

The wind whipped around my body pulling me away from the ground and for a second I felt as though I was flying but I had underestimated the distance to jump so my body smacked the ground sooner than expected.

Rolling on my side and stifling a scream, I began to go over my plan one more time. Although it was still fuzzy and I kept swapping bits about as I strolled towards the fence cautiously, dusting my clothes off the grass and soil that clung to me eagerly.

The distance to walk seemed a lot longer than expected, with nothing to drown out the silence which only dragged and added to the lengthy feeling.

I suppose the part that I was walking around on now was really no mans land as it didn't really belong to a faction and more or less separated the city from the fence that separated us from whatever else was out there. And whatever that is, I'm going to find it.

I had a gun tucked away in my boots and a dagger safely hidden in the band of my jeans so I was more prepared this time that I had been previously although I can't fully recall my previous experiences. Always hazy and fuzzy, unclear with doubt.

My brain began to become paranoid, creating sounds around me for it's own entertainment; bugs crawling, shadows lurking, wind blowing when there was hardly any wind at all, chiming etc.

My paranoia caused my feet to move faster as my body generated heat quicker, too quickly for my liking although it was chilly even though the sun was cracking awake. Which meant I didn't really have much time. Four hours max.

My body began vibrating from my feet due to the rumbles and roars of the ground, signalling Amity trucks were passing through.

This is chance, I figured.

I pressed myself against the fence where it was shadowed darkly and saw the Dauntless guard that was supposed to be on my side was on the other side, chatting with the other Dauntless guard which made things easier but then it was getting past Amity which was the main problem.

Sucking in a deep breath, I silently and swiftly shifted, still shadowed but dimly and now I was through the fence.

Out of the city and into Amity. But where do I go from here? It was too populated and I couldn't travel along the fence as it was too risky.

The only things I could think of were: sneak along behind the trees - even though there weren't many - , or climb into an Amity truck that was travelling back into Amity, or wait until everyone has gone to make my move.

But if I'm to do the second one then... Well for everything I just need to not get caught basically. The third option, well I don't know how long I'd have to wait though. It could be 5 minutes or 50. An hour or two, maybe three which is unlikely however.

Break - Eric DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now