Chapter 1

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Since the second I woke up, I've only been able to concentrate on one thing annoyingly: The Choosing Ceremony. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. It wouldn't leave  my mind like a rodent in a gutter.

But an even more fearful thought was the unknown. My Test Results were inconclusive. Amity, Erudite and Dauntless. I really was not expecting that, Erudite was what I was expecting, though I suppose I was half right. What does that even mean for me? Heck, get a hold of yourself. I've been great at lying for the past however many years so why should this be any different.

The volunteer - Tori - told me to tell everyone else that I got Amity as it was the safest but she never told me why. I pressumed it to be a safe faction anyway, but I don't think we had the same reasons as to why. I guess that was also her way of telling me what faction to choose and be in for the rest of my life. What teenager in the right mind would choose farming? Especially when I could have a library of books to my hearts content. I'd even rather go for Abnegation eggs over bread.

I've been pacing back and forth in my room for the past half an hour, re-doing my hair over and over again into the same plain bun repeatedly yet there would always be one strand that would stick out. It's so plain and boring. Maybe I'll add a twist or a braid or a crown. I'll do that subtly.

"Melody," His voice boomed as it almost shuck the ground from the other side of the door as he knocked on it keenly. No, as he punched it repeatedly. I'd rather it was an earthquake.

I froze facing the door and sucked in a deep breath, wiping my sweaty palms against the skirt of my dull grey dress that was over worn. Partially my fault for giving it a life unlike my other clothes that didn't deserve a life because they didn't love my body as much as this one did even though it wasn't much. And I'm rambling in my mind again,well isn't that lovely.

Once I was certain the beast had moved from the door, I opened it and just as I thought he wasn't there but unfortunately, was waiting for me at the open door from the bottom of the stairs, letting the light from outside fill up the bare room, although most of it was blocked out by his monstrous frame.

"Ready?" His voice emotionless. I gave a timid nod feeling like a mouse as he grasped my shoulder tightly. After a few seconds he finally released so I took this as my cue to leave this prison for the final time. I had no voice within these walls, but outside, well, that was a whole other story.

I don't know why dissapointment surged up from within me. Maybe expecting a hug with comforting and encouraging words was a bit too much to ask but that wasn't the Marcus way. I can barely remember the days when he showed any real affection.

I didn't dare turn back and hurried onto the bus that wasn't the most comfortable ride but it was much preferred to walking for today according to most people which I disagreed with. I was only taking it today because otherwise I would be dramatically late if I chose to walk which wouldn't look good for my father's reputation. Oh his prestigious reputation. How I'd love to wipe that title away from his name.

He expressed no emotion. But I guess that's because of being in Abnegation. Or maybe he doesn't care about me and is glad to see me go. Who knows what goes in that mind of his. I'll see him at the choosing ceremony again anyway so I've not escaped the moster's claws just yet.

Somehow my legs had carried me off the bus and to my seat for the Choosing Ceremony unwarily. A woman began with the introduction who didn't deserve my attention (she was boring) before handing over to Marcus, my father who shortly began calling out names and the faction they chose. Most stayed with the same faction but those that changed, either had their family in tears or in shock. I don't think there was a parent glad to be rid of their child. Apart from mine I assume.

"Melody Eaton" He called out in the same monotone voice that he used this morning. In the same voice that he's basically used most of my life. But he said it differently from everyone else's. There was a hint of something at the back of it but I just couldn't place my finger on it.

I got out my seat slightly confused and made my way to the front and stood in place of the 5 bowls. Picking up the knife I shuddered as the coldness from it made contact with the burning heat from my flesh - but not before I glanced at my reflection in the blade - pressing it against the skin of my palm until it pierced a hole at the top that I dragged down letting the blood leak freely out of me. The pain hadn't registered to my brain as I stared at the crimson, coating the point of the knife, as I placed it down and placed my hand in mid air for suspence. I knew what it was that I had to do as the blood trickled down following the patterns of my palm.

In one swift movement I placed it over the coal watching a droplet of blood fall. Everything was going so slow I didn't think it was going to end but it did when the sound of sizzling filled my ears. The sound of freedom. Finally!

"DAUNTLESS" His voice boomed through my whole body. I let myself look up at him, into his cold solid eyes. That wasn't the faction I decided to be in minutes ago but I wasn't going to show my confusion in my error. Instead I gave myself the honour of giving him a smile before I took my place with the rest of Dauntless. I ignored the mixed reaction from the crowd - the cheering from those who didn't know me, the sneering whispers of those who gossipped in Candor, the rumours erupting - I just kept the thought of being free in my mind even though I had probably made the biggest mistake of ny life.

A/N who likes my dinosaur picture edit?!?! There's a meaning behind it ;)

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