Chapter 14

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"Whats going on?" I repeated, more urgently this time. 

Christina suddenly gripped my arm sharply, her eyes like a deer’s trapped in headlights as she stared at something up ahead.

I followed her gaze to see several men heaving up a rope in rhythm, pulling something up. Or someone. I already knew what had happened, but I just didn’t know who it was. I hoped that it wasn’t someone I knew.

“Oh my god” Tris gasped stepping back. I then felt I didn’t want to know who it was but my human nature pushed me to find out and I knew I’d regret it.

I was right.

Strewn on the ground, lifeless was Al.

(Edit 7/11 found it! Under my bed *facepalm*)

Al who was all full of life; this was not Al. At least not the Al I had gotten to know in this short space of time. His eyes are open and empty, dark like a doll’s. His lips a combination of purple and blue with no beat to them. Nothing that can bring life back to them. He is no longer the big, warm and clumsy all. He is in every way the opposite: Petit, cold and stiff.

(A/N I’m going to come back to this bit when I find my Divergent book. Heck it isn’t even mine, it’s the libraries! Even more reason why I need to find it!)

Dauntless sicken me. Definitely not wanting to stick around, I found myself walking out, shoving past everyone without a care in the world.

I hate them! I have definitely made a huge mistake choosing this Faction. Yet I knew what I was getting myself in for; I should’ve listened to Marcus and his warnings about Dauntless: their behaviour, their way of life, their attitude etc.

How they just celebrate someone’s death like how you celebrate a birthday!

Running a hand through my hair, frustrated, I decide to do one of the few things that help me in these sort of situations. But I’ve never had anything so bad as someone’s death to deal with apart from my mother’s and I don’t remember how I handled that as I was young then.

I try to remember but I can’t and end up annoying myself on why did I make my younger self forget these memories?

Urgently I through myself onto my bed and scourge out a paper and pencil, after opening my book to a random page I begin to draw the images off the page and onto the paper, losing myself in it, taking myself away from this horrid world and into this wonderland. Hence the name of the story: Alice in Wonderland.

Giving up after a little over half the page is filled, I put everything off my bed and onto the floor in a pile. I’ll tidy it up later. Knowing me, later will probably be when I get told to.

I stare up at the ceiling thinking of something to do but nothing seems to interest me so I roll on my side sighing, and reluctantly close my eyes which are heavy begging for sleep but the rest of my body denies it.

I think about what Four said, advising me on how to act in the fear landscape when it comes to the test which isn’t for another few days unfortunately. I just want to get it over and done with really.

How do I act in it and not show my Divergence? I don’t honestly see what’s so terrible about being Divergent though. Maybe Eric could give me the answer to that seeing he’s killing them.

That’s probably the only thing from fully giving myself into Eric. The fact that he kills innocent people but I doubt he’ll think they’re innocent because they’re Divergent. What will happen if he finds out that I’m divergent?

Am I divergent though? There isn’t any official test to say if you’re Divergent or not I don’t think. Maybe I’m not divergent, but something else that isn’t as bad as being Divergent.

Don’t be stupid. Of course I’m Divergent.

Opening my eyes, I’m met with emptiness.

Not just the emptiness of the room, but the emptiness inside of me which the room just somehow made even emptier.

The amount of room that I could see (which isn’t much) was pretty much dark and the only sign of light was the faint glimmers reflecting off the metal bed frames and catching my eyes. It was the only sign of life and a small amount of it at that.

To me the light represented us divergent and the darkness that surrounded it was all those that were hunting us down. Jeanine Matthews for one and these dauntless leaders for another. That includes Eric. He wouldn’t actually though in all honesty. Who am I kidding?

Although the darkness was creeping in, the light was still blindingly bright which to me meant there was hope. And ‘hope’ also happens to be my middle name.

I pull a spare pillow from underneath the one I’m on and hold the spare one close to my chest, resting my chin on it as I just stare at the light on the metal bed frames at an angle so it doesn’t sore my eyes.

Distracting myself with attempting to recall what the leaders had told me, trying to separate it from my general knowledge that I had at the time but it's even harder than I thought. I can hardly remember anything said in the conversation; I just remember the states people were in.

Come to think of it, Mr Everdeen didn't seem too keen on the plans. Although that could be figments of my imagination trying to say that if Mr Everdeen doesn't agree then Eric won't neither.

OK scrap everything I just thought about Mr Everdeen. But there was something definitely off about him, and I was going to find out why because my curiosity had yet again gotten the better of me, unfortunately however, as my curiosity always got me into trouble or something I just wasn't a fan of.

A/N does the last sentence make sense?

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