Chapter 2 - Jump

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"Melody?" Someone called out from behind me as I followed everyone out with a breath of new life. I whipped my head back and caught sight of Beatrice Prior, another abnegation in my year.

"Hey" I replied happily once she'd caught up. I felt like a new born bird, already bursting to fly in the new world.

"So glad I'm not the only one" I assured as I noticed a slight worried gaze just as we broke out into a run because that's what everyone else seemed to be doing. I heard her begin her reply but I couldn't make it clear and when I turned to her, I'd noticed that I'd lost her in the crowd somewhere. Brushing it off, I figured I should do what everyone else is doing. Climbing anything that would lead up onto the train platform above. Obviously.

Once I had reached the platform, I only had seconds to catch my breath because an illuminating train came hurtling our way. My eyes were having a sort of staring contest with the eyes of the train that were glaring brightly almost blinding me and I almost forgot everything until it hurtled past me, washing me with a wave of winter wind that knocked my senses back and almost over the edge I might add. I refuse to be knocked out this early on.

I looked in the direction the train was heading and saw all the dauntless jumping onto it effortlessly like it was walking, but for me it felt like learning to run before walking but the adrenaline building up inside me told me otherwise.

With a giant grin on my face, I let my legs run as fast as I wanted them to, loving the prick of the wind nipping against my skin, cooler on the areas with sweat creeping out. I kept imagining myself hauling up onto there easily and with that in mind, repeatedly, I gave on final push and pulled myself into the train just moments before the platform discharged from reach. I would not have done something that risky a week ago. I like the new me, but I'll still stay true to the real me, whoever she is.

I lost balance on my feet the moment I stepped in so I ended up having my body tumbling over my own feet as I came crashing down, expecting to hit the floor or wall and hoping that someone would save me heroicly. I suppose it was a mix between the two as I came crashing down like a shot elephant onto someones body that was sat down on the floor.

I figured it was a girl from her cry in agony as I rolled myself off and started laughing and apologising at the same time.

"Ignore her. I'm Beatrice" She introduced herself to the person I'd collided with. Once my laughter had congested, I pulled myself up into a sitting position, brushing off the dirt and found out the girl was a Candor and called Christina.

"Melody" I informed when she turned to me to ask for my name. "And if you ignore me then you're missing out" I said with a smirk throwing myself onto Beatrice's back clinging on like a koala and she didn't mind in the slightest. Probably because she was used to me and my random outbursts and she didn't mind in the slightest because I knew I brightened up her dull days in Abnegation, someone had to.

"They're jumping!" Someone called out further ahead peering out and it wasn't long until that person jumped out too. Me, Beatrice and Christina all got up synchronetically and looked out the door catching everyone jumping out and thankfully onto a roof. Unthankfully over a gap that was atleast  seven stories high so one mistake, and splat! Dead. Just like that. No second chance, just... KABOOM!

"Let's do this shit!" Christina called out to overshadow her nerves, earning a scowl from Beatrice and a laugh from me.

"We better hurry up" I reminded slightly anxiously, noticing the roof wouldn't go on forever so without a second thought, I counted to three in my head and on three, I leaped out, frozen in mid-air for less than a second before the butterflies in my stomach pulled my down and let my body crush against the debris beneath me. I got up just in time to see Beatrice and Christina jumping off at the same time and the second I blinked, they were no longer birds in the sky but jaguars that had just got its prey.

I rolled my eyes and after getting up myself, gave them both a hand that they took to pull themselves up brushing the stones and rubble off their clothes as we joined the rest of the odd group, gathering around something or someone. I couldn't see who as my eyes couldn't see through all the people around me that were all taller than me. Well most were I think as I was only a mere 5foot something. Maybe 3 I don't know. We didn't have the luxury of a tape measure.

All I heard was a deep manly voice, I didn't know who it belonged to and the only thing I caught them saying was we had to jump of the roof and asked us who would go first. Of course it would be something crazy. I don't know why I thought it would be something sane like who would win at rock paper scissors or climb up a 3 metre rope the fastest.  By instinct, I wrapped my arms around myself as the voice send shudders through me as the shadowed figure continued to speak.

Before my brain could fully process what was going on, Beatrice spoke up. "I will" And automatically the crowd split in two sides, clearing a pathway for her. I kept my eyes on her as she nervously walked up to the front trying to hide her nervousness. She climbed onto the edge, now taller than everyone here and faced whatever it was over the edge. 

When I took my next breath, I saw her leaving the edge for the breathless air. I immediately ran to the edge drowning with curiousity and worry but was strangely drawn into the way her hair spilled out of the delicate bun, her silk dress floating effortlessly in the air, and her body falling like a feather, gently and gracefully all the way down into the darkness of the hole that had something at the bottom of it surely otherwise she wouldn't have jumped if she thought it would kill her.

"Looks like we have our next jumper" The leader spoke up evilly pulling my attention to him. I almost forgot how to breath when I made instant eye contact with his emotionless ones. I was expecting someone fit, but not like... well this. His piercings in his eyebrow intrigued me and his amazingly high cheekbones shaping his face were irresistable. I wonder if he's good in- Wait what am I saying? He's a Dauntless Leader and I'm a 'stiff' according to them. Urrghh I hate that name. If only they knew.

"Go on stiff" Someone called out. I followed the voice to a dark haired boy, too cocky for his own boots - not that he was wearing boots.

"With pleasure" I replied in that sweet, nasty way and stepped onto the ledge facing the crowd giving a smile before turning around to face Beatrice's footprints left in the back of my mind. Someone began to speak up but I pushed myself off the ledge before I could clear out what it was they were saying. 

Wait a minute. I'm scared of heights. What the hell am I doing just throwing myself off a building to prove a point that I'm not a stiff? What if there's nothing at the bottom and Beatrice is dead and that will soon be my fate? Maybe that's what the plan was. To get rid of all the 'stiffs' first and what better way than to let them kill themselves thinking it's for a good reason? I should've stayed a few seconds longer on the ledge to hear what that person was saying because maybe it was them telling me that I was going to die! 

Oh great. Isn't this just great! I'm going to die. Ohmigod I can't die! Please let there be something at the bottom! Please God I'm begging you! I'm sorry for whatever bad things I've done in the past but I promise from now on that I'll be as good as gold and if you save me then I will devote my life to you! Nobody will save me! I'm not screaming. Why am I not screaming? Isn't this just a dandy way to die!


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