Chapter 5

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I woke up naturally this time. No disturbances and no nightmares. I wriggled about slightly but felt some sort of restrain on me. A small part of me was panicking that wanted to build up and explode inside of me but I sunstained it. For now.

I went to move again and finally came to terms with the arm that was wrapped around me that got tighter the more I moved, keeping me in like I was a valuable possession.

I sighed and rested my head back against the pillow. The grip on me was a little too tight for me to turn around fully so I just stared at the arm holding me for a while.

I don't know why I'm acting so calm right now. I should be panicking and trying to escape from this situation so why wasn't I? Maybe it was a sense of security and safeness from this hold probably.

I hadn't realised that I was tracing the tattoos on the arm until the arm moved slightly. I felt myself holding in my breath as the body pressed against my back shifted in position, closing whatever gap there had previously been there.

I finally let out the breath I was holding in but slowly and cautiously. Strangely timing my breath to the stranger's. Stranger. Only one person had got that name and it was Eric now there's another stranger I have to deal with.

Wait what the hell am I doing sleeping in a bed with a stranger!

Now the panic had beaten whatever it was in me keeping me sane as I began to list out my options in my head.

Either fight my way out but if this person was this muscly, then if they were evil then I would be dead in a matter of minutes. Seconds even.

I could just lay in his arms till he wakes up but then I'd have to deal with that awkward conversation but I was pretty comfortable in his hold.

His warm breathing spiked up the hairs on my nape as his lips accidently brushed against my shoulder, sending shivers through me that I couldn't control. My breathing was still at the same pace as his but mine were more aware and awake.

His hand rested against my stomach, and it was literally under my stomach, somehow crawled under my top while I was unaware of it. I pushed everything to the back of my head on began concentrating on something completely off subject.

"Hell down, heaven down,Livin' in the same town Tryna find something new" I began whispering to myself in tune randomly.

"Broken picture frame, I've been frozen in. Tryna find a better view" I continued going just above a whisper now.

"This ain't real, this ain't cool. This ain't what I signed up to" My voice now normal and in tune. "This ain't right, it's no good, No good, oh"

"Everything is changing,And I've been here for too long. Going through the same things. I've been hurting too long, got to move on" I let my voice get carried away as I continued the rest, somehow remembering the words and the tune of it.

Somehow, I managed to turn around slightly so I was now on my back and facing the ceiling with an undeniable smile on my face that even when I tried pulling it away with my hands, it wouldn't budge.

I decided to sneak a glance at the stranger and the second my eyes made contact with his, my head reflexed back to staring at the ceiling as I felt my whole body suddenly go tense.

I took in a deep gulp before turning to face him once again, fully this time. He had a sort of smirk on his face as he moved his hands up above my stomach and began rubbing small circles with his thumb. His gaze dropped down from my face and to my body that I suddenly felt self conscious about the second he laid eyes on it.

His palm pulled me into him - chest to chest - and his body was at a slight angle towering over my fragile frame that he seemed to have broken already yet I couldn't figure out where and how.

Break - Eric DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now