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Happy 30th chapter   !!!

Have you every wondered how long this story will go? Because I have and I really hope it won't be as long as my other ff but also not that short.


Questions writers get, " Will there be a sequel? "

My ans is, " I honestly don't know. It's depending whether I can end the story well."



Strong language. Warning!!!!!!!!


Bloody and disgusting scenes. If you can't stand scenes of blood or torture, don't read the last part. TRIGGER WARNINGG!



- in school -

                  "I have good news." Taehyung said. We were both currently in detention. What's new.

"What." I looked at him with sleepy eyes as I stirred up from my sleep.

"The company called me again saying that they can give us the missing piece." He said with enthusiasm but that only made me want to smack him.

"Are you dumb or dumb?!" I asked him and he frowned at me.

"How can people possibly like a goof like you." I looked around detention to only see all the girls starring at him. Ew.

"Next time seat away from me in detention please." I pushed my table away from him.

"Wae?" He asked and I gestured him to look around.

"Oh." That's all he said.

"Quit starring alright. There's enough of me to go around." He winked at the girls and they all squeeled in delight.

"I don't care about this or the missing piece. I care about whose the person who sent that to me." I said and he nodded like he understands how I'm feeling.

"Don't worry, I'll help you. We will go to that company after detention." He said as he waved at the girls.

F*ucking Playboy.

"I really hope so."


"Hello, we are here to find the CEO." Taehyung spoke to the lady at the counter.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked and Taehyung shook his head.

"I was the one who called you, Ms. Kim." Taehyung emphasised on her name.

"Oh. You are the one whose missing a piece of jigsaw." She said and he smiled.

"Yes... Just use this elevator and head up to the 17th floor. There will be someone Ro escort you." She gestured to the elevator beside the counter.


"Here is the person who sent the jigsaw puzzle." He passed Taehyung a paper filled with a person's details.

"Whose this?" I asked the boss.

"Mr. Danny Lee." I said the name out loud.

"I know him..." Taehyung's voice trailed off.

"Why not just tell us. Stop keeping us hanging." I got slightly annoyed.

"His Tarsha's father." Taehyung said and our jigsaw, all the pieces starts to fall in place.

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