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[❣] Sorry for any errors up ahead.

[🙇🏻‍♀️] I'm sorry that I haven't updated this story for a VERY long time I'm aware, it's just that I have school and sometimes I can't write due to writer's block ._.

[🤐] Strong Language.

[🍒] Enjoy.

I'm really sorry for being inactive. This might happen in the future I'm sorry but I'll try my best :)


- Sehun's pov -

It's already so long and Faith hasn't come out yet. I'm getting very worried. She said her dad is sending some people over but I don't see them anywhere.

I didn't go in with her because she told me to wait outside for the backup. Then, I saw a man running out. Could that be her best friend?

"HEY." I whispered shout to the guy and he turned towards me.

"Who are you!" He got ready to fight me.

"No, No. I'm Faith Song's friend. Your her friend right?" I assume.

Then he started to relax.

"She took my place..." was all he said.


"Byung Joon is going to kill her!" That left me in shock. Are you serious?

"We can't just go in. We have to wait for backup."

"You have to save her before he kills her." He panicked.

"You are injured... you won't be able to help her. Stay here and wait for backup." I told him and he had no choice but to nod and stay behind the crates to wait while I slowly walk into the warehouse.


As I was about to enter the warehouse, someone from behind placed their hand on my shoulder causing me to jump and get defensive. When I turned around about to hit that person with the gun I stopped when I saw who it was.

"Sehun calm down." Suho whispered to me and immediately I kept my gun.

"Why are you guys doing here?" I asked them.

"To help you. You can't just go in by yourself. Oh Sehun are you crazy?!" Baekhyun scolded me.

"You guys can scold me later but now we got to save Faith. Come on." I told them as we each slowly entered the warehouse.

"Where's my sister?" Alex asked and I pointed towards the room her friend was in.

"Go all in?" Alex asked.

"No... some stay outside." Lay whispered back.

"I'll go in." I told them and let the rest to choose who wants to stay outside or go in.

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