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[🙇🏻‍♀️] I'm sorry for late updates because these days I'm just not in the mood to type our the chapters but when I do have the feeling, I will definitely do them.

[💗] As I said, I'll not discontinue this story :)

[⚠️] Strong Language.

[🍐] Enjoy.


                  "Why are you texting him?" I asked her seriously which made her stop trying to get her phone from me knowing it's no use as I've already seen it.

"We're just friends." She answered as her head hung low.

"Song Jisoo, look at me when I'm talking to you. I don't care who you make friends with but on earth with so many people you had to be friends with a surgeon? Not just any surgeon, Jisoo but EXO's surgeon?" I facepalmed myself at her stupid mistake.

"His actually pretty cool. I enjoy talking to him so we became friends." Alex said which made me roll my eyes.

"I don't trust him." I replied as I passed her back her phone.

"But aren't you friends with Sehun?" She asked and I faced her with a cold expression.

"Not even close." I replied.

"Alex... I'm just worried for you. I don't want you to end up as a criminal." I sighed as I saw how sad she was.

"I know but you have to stop making decisions for me. I want to work for Appa." She said and I sighed once again.

"Once you work for Appa, your life will be hanging by a thread. You can die anytime." I told her but she didn't seem effected.

"I know... But I want to try." She says confidently and I realised I couldn't stop her now. She's totally into this mafia industry.

"Fine. Just be careful. If you need help, ask BamBam." I said and she nodded.

"Erm... you called me in here for?" She asked, bringing me back to the reason why I called her in.

"Help me pick an outfit." I replied and she glanced at my bed and glanced back at me.

"What occasion?" She asked, her tone slightly teasing which made me roll my eyes.

"Helping out a..." I stopped as I wanted to say 'friend' but Taehyung is not my friend.

"A classmate to deal with his mother." I continued after that long pause.

Alex let out a short laugh and said," Let me guess, your going to be his fake girlfriend?"

I nodded as she threw me a dress which will land just above my knees.

"If you want to give a good impression wear something decent." She says making me sound like a slut.

"Excuse you!" I exclaimed as I grabbed the dark blue dress out of her hands.


I was standing infront of my mirror of my closet as I inspected myself.

"You look fine." She smiled at me as I looked at her through the mirror.

"So... when is your classmate of yours coming?" She asked as she continued to text Lay.

"I'm going there myself." I replied which caused her to look up from her phone.

"Such a great date you have." She snickered and I rolled my eyes.

"Alex... I don't need all my friends to know I'm a daughter of a mafia." I said and she offed her phone and looked at me this time for real.

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