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"Nagisa you have another assignment." Karasuma Said

"Yes sir."

"Koro-sensei and the rest of E class are going to have a reunion and you are able to go, but you have to be in your reaper clothes and tell them what you've been doing."

"But Mr. Karasuma the class will hate me they haven't seen me for 5 years now they will get mad at me for not visiting."

Koro-sensei comes in at Mach 20

"Well Nagisa Mr. Karasuma wasn't done you have to protect one of your class mates she is in grave danger she lives in your house after you've left she keeps your mom company if you don't want to go I'll go for you."

"Who is it?"

"It's Kayano."

Nagisa blushes he's realized his feelings towards her after 5 years he hasn't seen her.

"I'll do it."

"Then I challenge you to a duel if I win I get to protect Kayano but if you win you can protect her."


They went out side Nagisa had a limited amount of time which was 2 hours. They start to fight Nagisa had to use his eagle eye. After 30 minutes Nagisa won because Koro-sensei went into his absolute defense form.

"Karma will be helping you Nagisa you can tell him who you are but you will have the name Python you can't tell anyone else about this other than Karma until the class reunion everyone will be there."

"Yes Sir."

"Also Nagisa."


"Don't forget about your Reaper clothes and you can't tell Karma about you being the Reaper."

Nagisa leaves parking his bike and walked down towards the train station once he got off the train he sees Karma.

There's Karma but I'll tell him in the car my identity.

"Are you Python."


"Let's go get in."

I get into his car and we start to drive.

"So how do you know Kayano?"

"I've known her since high school and she goes by Akari."

"Oh cool so do you work for MOD."

(MOD means Ministry of defense)

"No I have connections."

"So why can't her best friend take care of her."

Karma pulled the car over

"Because he's gone."

"I know."I said smiling

"Why are you smiling."

"Because he's not dead."

"Yes he is how dare you say such things."

Nagisa takes off his good and glasses his hair was dyed brown to make sure his cover wasn't blown until the reunion.

"Karma I'm not dead."

Karma looks at Nagisa he smiles

"Dude why the hell did you leave us for 5 FUCKING YEARS?!"

Nagisa was startled at what Karma Said. They got back on the road.

"I'm sorry I was unable to visit Karma do you know how she's doing without me."

"Honestly every night she goes in your room which is right next to hers she goes in there looking at your things crying remembering thing dude you messed up big time with her..."

"Yeah I know but she only cares cause I'm her best friend."

"No you were more to her than you knew."

"What do you mean?"

"Nagisa she had a crush on you ever since that day you kissed her."

Nagisa remembers that and blushes a little. They finally got to his house and knocked on the door.


Akari opens the door

"Hello Akari."

"Hello Karma Who is this."

"This is Python your bodyguard from the MOD."

"Oh cool did Karasuma Sensei send you."

"Yes he did."

"Well come in."

"Bye Akari And Python."

Nagisa walks in his house looked the same after all these years.

"Akari who was at the door."

"It was my new bodyguard Mrs.Shiota."


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