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Nagisa has the tiny little box in his hand and he opens it and there is a diamond ring inside.

"Whisper* holy shit he's actually proposing to her they've only been a couple for 3 weeks."

"Yeah I know."

"Ok Akari you can turn around."

Akari turns around and sees Nagisa in one knee with the ring.

"Akari Yukimura I've known you since high school I've liked you from the very beginning when I met you were kind and adorable and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side I want to be there for you in good and bad times I want to help you to make you feel comfortable so with that I love you will you do me the honor and marry me and make me be the happiest man in the world?"

Akari started to tear up and hugs Nagisa.

"You better day yes he is the father of your child." Nakamura

"Yes Nagisa I'll be yours."

Nagisa puts the ring on her finger they are now engaged everyone jumps and cheers.

"Yeah way to go."


"Heheheh thanks everyone."

"So when are you going to get married?"

"I don't know we would have to discuss it."

"Nufufufuf congratulations on everything you two and Akari here you go."

"Aguri are you ok."

"Yeah totally just got a bit sick on the way here but oh my baby sister has grown up so much your having a baby and getting married all before me."

"Aguri that's so weird how you put that."

"How is that."

"It seems you want to have a baby and get married to Koro-sensei."

That made Aguri and Koro-sensei blush.

Than Koro-sensei coughs up his yellow blood Aguri runs to him.

"KORO-SENSEI!" Everyone

"I'm ok children it's just the cure is taking place."

"Cure what do you mean by that?" Akari

"Aguri found a cure and it gets rid of my yellow tentacles but not the speed."

"So does that mean?" Karma

"Yes I'm going to be human again."

Everyone was really happy Koro-sensei got up and hugged everyone

Akari was happy that her and Nagisa were going to get married. But she didn't feel good.

"Um Koro-sensei I gotta go."

She runs inside Nakamura, Okuda, and Kanzaki ran after her.

"What just happened?"


Everyone laughed with Akari

"Akari are you ok?"

"Yeah just sickness."


"Aren't you happy?" Okuda

"Heck yeah I am I get to marry the man that I've been in love with since high school."


With Nagisa

"So why did you decide to propose."Sugino

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