Something unexpected

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Akari was finished cleaning the dishes Nagisa went out to get some groceries and cans back an hour later and found her asleep.

One more week until we get to see THEM

Nakamura came and visit ever so often to check on Akari

Nakamura was 3 months in she had awhile before her baby would come.

Nakamura visited but not for Akari she came to talk to Nagisa.

"Hey Nagisa."

"Hey Nakamura."

"Ok so we are all having another reunion but this time at a restaurant since we can't go up the hill without passing out so will you and Akari be there?"

"Yes we'll be there and also congratulations I kinda keep on forgetting to tell you that."

"It's ok and do you know how many there are because Koro-sensei said he knew the gender and how many they're having do you know."

"I know how many were having just not the genders and no I'm not telling you."

"Ok well I gotta go and it's in two days."

She left

A day later

Nagisa and Akari were baby proofing everything that could hurt the baby.

Akari has the tables and sharp edges

While Nagisa fixed anything that could harm their kid.

He screwed in everything just Incase if there was an earthquake and stuff started falling.

Karma and Nakamura came over and helped them out they put anything breakable away in a box in the garage

That includes plates.

Nakamura and Akari went out to get some more baby stuff they had a list so nothing would go wrong Nagisa also have Akari a tase gun just incase.

The list was

• baby utensils

• baby toys

• stuffed animals

• blankets

• clothes

• baby food

That was all they needed so after an hour they came back and saw more stuff that the boys had baby proofed

The stairs, doors, outside, door handles, cabinets, chairs, and floors.

The floors had some rugs around the baby pin they also hid their wine.

"Oh Nagisa and Karma this is way to much if we needed padding then why is the play pin on the carpet." Akari

"The play pin could move so we decided to put something to comfort them just Incase." Nagisa

"But Really you made him a little sleeping area so it would be fine." Nakamura

"Oh come on babe we are trying to make it a safe home." Karma

They finally finished baby peoofing the place.

Next day

Akari and Nagisa got ready to go to the restaurant they needed to go to they saw everyone there.

They all chatted and talked about the baby Akari only had 5 days left

After that everyone ate their food and asked questions on what they thought the gender was but we didn't know so they were all excited for the baby to come.

After awhile Nagisa and Akari decided to dance together and talk.

"So Nagisa What gender do you think it is."

"I think it's a boy but I would be happy with any other gender."

Akari just laughed at him

"Oh Nagisa I hope it's a girl but if it's a boy that's fine too but then I would want a girl."

Nagisa just kissed her forehead

While they were dancing Nakamura and Karma were dancing next to them.

"Hey Akari you're dancing way to much you're sweating on the floor." Karma

Akari looked down.

"Guys that's not s-sweat."

Akari started to breathe at a really fast pace and held her stomach she felt a really big pain she squeezed Nagisa's hand.

Everyone looked at her and the music stopped.

"Akari what's wrong?"

"M-My water just broke."

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