Helping hand

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"Wait So if he wants it for Nakamura then that means......... OMG."

"Akari What is it?"

"I think he's going to propose to her."

"Wait are you sure."

"Yes if a girl gets the bouquet they are next down the aisle."

"Wow I didn't think he had it in him to propose so are you going to do it."

"Hehehe oh yes I am."

"Ok well we gotta got to go to bed."

2 days left till the wedding

"Ok Akari are you ready to go to Nakamura's house and stay there until the wedding."

"Yep let's go."

At Nakamura's house

"Eeeeeeeekkkkkkk girl it's almost time."

"Omg Nakamura I know I'm excited and nervous."

"Oh calm down you'll be fine."

"Yeah I know where are the other girls."

"Well so far it's me you and Karma."

"Karma's here."


"Can I talk to him alone."

"Oh um sure but why."

"Oh just need to talk to him about Nagisa."

"Oh he's in our room I'll make lunch do you want a sandwich or are you craving something."

"Can I have sushi if you don't mind."

"Sure but I have to go to the store to get rice."

"Ok I'm going to talk to him."

Nakamura goes to the store after 5 minutes of her not coming through the door Akari went to where Karma was and knocked on the door.


"It's me Akari."

"Come in."

She walks in and closes the door

"I've decided to help you."

"Oh thank you Akari."

"Your welcome but why did you decide to do it."

"Do I really need to tell you that."


"Fine I love her is that good answer."

"Good enough but you better say everything you've wanted to tell her."


Akari leaves the room and hears the door bell.


It was Yada, Okuda, and Kanzaki.

"Hey girls."

"Hello Akari 2 more days are you ready."


They all sat on the couch

Nakamura made lunch.

With Nakamura

"Hey Karma I made you a sandwich."

She enters the room and hands him the sandwich

"Thanks babe."

Kisses her on the lips

"So what did you and Akari talk about."

"Oh we just talked about Nagisa and if I knew his identity when we first met."

"Oh ok."

"Yeah so do I still have to leave you girls because I want to protect you."

"We will be fine Karma we are all trained Assassins here bring this."

Hands him something small

"What is it?"

"If one of the girls push this button then it will show where they are."

"So what your saying is that I will have to rush where ever you are."

"Yep now I'm going to hang out with the girls you should get going."

"Ok I will."


She leaves the room

Karma's thoughts
I'm really glad that she decided to help me propose to Nakamura but I should probably head over to Nagisa's house.

"Ok I'm leaving bye ladies and be safe."

"We will Bye babe."

"So what do we do for two more days?"

"How about we ask Akari some questions."

"I don't like where this is heading."

"Oh come on ok so first question when did you and Nagisa do it."

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