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After 2 week Nagisa finally was able to get out of the hospital.


"Hey Karma."

"You ready to surprise Akari."


They go to his car

"So how are you going to do this?"

"I don't know but she has a surprise for you two."

With Akari

"Akari are you ready to see it's already been past a minute."

"I'm just scared Nakamura that's all."

"Oh come on I didn't even know you two-."

"Stop no we also didn't need to tell you about that."

"Well can we please look at it."

"I'm looking Your not."



With Nagisa

"So how are you going to tell her."

"I'm going to do something cute but I'm going to need everyone's help."

"Well I already have Nakamura distracting her."

"Oh yeah I forgot that you two are a thing."

"Oi stop."


"Because your stupid is showing."

"I'm not stupid Karma."

"Meh just wanted to say let's call the gang."

"Hey we need help."

With Akari

"So how are you going to tell him?"

"I-I don't know he'll probably be sad."

"Oh come on you have to tell him before it's to late."

"Your right I'll get it over with."

"So you gonna tell him."

"Yeah I know that and you need to tell Karma."

"I will do no such thing we aren't even ready for that."

"What moving in together?"

"Yes that."

"Heheh Nakamura it's not that hard."

"Yes it is."

"Just ask him and I think mines harder."

"Yeah your right so how are you gonna tell him."

With Nagisa

"That's sounds like a plan."

"That's perfect thanks you guys."

"Start working."

"Good luck dude."

"Thanks make it look good ask your girlfriends for help."

"Will do Nagisa."



(End of call)

"So do you think she'll like it."

"Hopefully but we could kill an hour want to play."

"Sure but only for 30 minutes."

After 30 minutes of playing at the arcade

"So you ready?"


At Nagisa's house

Knock knock*

"Who is it?"

"It's Karma."

Nakamura opens the door

"Is she ready."


Akari was wearing a dark blue dress with gems on the top her hair was down and braided on one side she wore a gold heart necklace and high heels

"Well Nagisa you can come here and look at your girlfriend."

Nagisa walks up Akari smiles at him

"Wow Akari you look gorgeous."

"Hehehe thanks Nagisa."

"Shall we."

"We shall."

They walked into Karmas car since Nagisa didn't have one and went off

"What happened?"

"I need to ask you the same question."

With Nagisa and Akari

"So are you ready for tonight?"

"Yep I have a surprise for you."

"Oh yeah well so do I."

At the restaurant

Why is no one here?

Little does she know all her other classmates including Nakamura and Karma are recording this.

After they order and eat

"Nagisa what's your surprise?"

"Oh right do you want to go first or should I?"

"I'll go first."

"Ok go ahead."

"Nagisa I'm pregnant."

"Are you serious?"

"Y-Yeah I am are you mad."

"Akari why would I be mad I'm happy."

"So what did you have to ask me."


They went for the walk on the bridge just as planned the boys made a heart with rose petals and lit candles.

Nagisa leads them in the middle of the heart the rest of them use there phones and start recording.

"Um Nagisa why are we here."

"It's a surprise."

"Nagisa please tell me."

"Look towards the city."

"Um ok."

She looks at the view while Nagisa takes out a box.

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