Reunion 2

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In the morning

Nagisa woke up ready for the next day he was about to wake up Akari when he remembered what they did last night he blushed a lot. He opens the door seeing no one in there or in the bathroom he ran down stairs.



He calmed down once he heard her voice

"What's for breakfast before we go."

"Rice omelette."


"Hehehe hey I need to ask you something about what happened yesterday."

Nagisa was blushing like a tomato Same with Akari

"Yeah what about yesterday."

"If I got pregnant I'm not at the moment, but would you leave me or kick me out and never speak to me again."

Her levels were off the roof Nagisa walks over and puts a hand on her neck calming her instantly.

"Calm down Akari I won't leave you not again if you get pregnant I will stay with you no matter what."

After that they ate there rice omelettes and got dressed they were walking towards the door when they heard the door bell rings.

"Coming Akari stay here."

Nagisa opens the door it's Karma and Nakamura

"Hey Nagisa."

"Hey Karma and Nakamura."

They walk towards the kitchen

"We have another reunion in a week are you and Akari coming?"

"Yes we are going So are we all walking together?"

"Yep that's why we came here hey Akari."

"Hey Nakamura And Karma."

"Heheheh So what did you two do last night we went up there and everything wasn't cleaned."

"Oh we decided to leave everything since we are going up there again today what's the point in cleaning when we are going to mess it up."

"Oh ok let's go everyone want to ask you lots of questions Nagisa."

On there way there they will still talking they could see all of there class mates and the teachers.

"Nufufufuf Nagisa your reaper clothes are in the room everyone go inside you'll find things we will pass it out."

Everyone goes inside Nagisa changes in his clothes with his weapon. After he's done he goes in and sits in his old desk.

"Ok everyone we have a mission."

"Um Mr. Karasuma why are you sending us on this mission can't Nagisa do it?" Okuda

"Sorry Okuda But no I can't I've tried I almost died he tried to take my title but of course that didn't happen."

"He is highly trained we think it might be Takaoka he escaped the prison and has tried to kill Nagisa or harm him in a way."

"What way is that?" Akari

"To hurt anyone or anything he loves."

This made Akari have a shiver down her spine.

"So how do we face him again Nagisa probably doesn't have any new moves that we know of."

"Well I have some new ones that he doesn't know of."

"Does he know your a tentacle user?"


"Oh ok-."

Just than the glass shatters and a dart comes through and hits Akari's desk. She gets up and walks to the top of the classroom not near the window.

"What was that?"

Nagisa picks up the dart


"Someone is trying to kill me."

Everyone got to work Koro-sensei handed all of them really knives and guns he gave snipers to Chiba and Hayami. Karma, Isogai, Megu, and Akari had a heavy A-R. Kanzaki, Sugino, Okajima, Okuda, Nakamura, Yada, Kurahashi, and Fuwa has a pistol. Okano, Kimura, Sugaya, Takebayashi, Terasaka, Hazama, Hara, Maehara, Mimura, Muramatsu, Yoshida, and Itona have knives.

"Is everyone ready?"


"Nufufufuf everyone now be careful especially Nagisa don't go over your limit."

"Yes sir will you be fighting with us?"

"Yes I will Same with Mrs. Irina and Mr. Karasuma."

Akari was scared this was all her fault this was happening there trying to get her.

"Akari are you ok?"

"I'm fine Nagisa."

Nagisa kisses her

"Everything will be ok calm down it's not your fault."

"Let's go students and be careful Nagisa you know what to do use hawk eye to see how many there are."

"Sir yes sir."

Nagisa walks out side scanning the area stun darts hit him but it didn't effect him. He walks back in class.

"How many?"

"About 60 or more."

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