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In the morning

Ugh my head hurts

Akari woke up with a really bad headache she walked down stairs and drinks water.

Nagisa was talking with Karma on the phone.

Nagisa:Wait So she actually asked you that

Karma:Yeah I don't know why but we are now living on the same house so are we going to the old campus to start with preparations?

Nagisa:Yeah I think so but I'll have to ask Akari.

Karma:Well ok but you need to find out soon because everyone is going up there today.

Nagisa:Ok well I'll text you about it once I ask her.

Karma:Ok bye tell me as soon as possible

Nagisa:Will do Bye Karma

(End of call)

Nagisa goes downstairs to see Akari laying down on the couch

"What's wrong Akari?"

"I have a headache."

"Oh ok everyone is meeting at the old campus trying to help prepare for our wedding I need to tell my parents to come with us."

"Ok I'll go get dressed."

"Don't wear heels."

"Yeah yeah."

She walks up and gets dressed Nagisa told his parents and they agreed to go and help. Nagisa goes and gets dressed and they all leave to the old campus.

"So where did you two think about having the wedding."Dad

"Probably on the beach or something." Nagisa

"Oh ok have you chosen who will be the maid of honor and the best man." Mom

"Best man Karma."Nagisa

"Maid of honor Nakamura."Akari

"Oh ok so is your sister coming." Dad

"Yeah she said she didn't want to be the maid of honor I asked her." Akari

"So she just wants to watch?" Mom


They finally got to the top and went inside the classroom and sat down.

"Nagisa Akari come up and answer these questions so Akari first than Nagisa." Isogai

They walk up and stand at the podium while Nagisa was not in the way of Akari

"Question 1 maid of honor Nakamura Rio."

"Question 2 When is the wedding 3 weeks from now."

"Question 3 where. On the beach probably."

"Question 4 dress?"

"Like what type would you want." Okuda

"Oh for me or for my bridesmaids."

"For you." Nakamura

"Oh ok boys leave you too Nagisa."


All the boys leave and are outside unable to hear.

"So what would you like do I can draw it." Nakamura

"Ok so I want a strapless or one strap dress with little gems and the length goes down and I want some floral pattern and the vail needs two people to carry it and a little crown to hold it in place."

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