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Akari called everyone they all went in the room Nagisa was in and said there goodbyes Koro-sensei didn't come but Aguri came to help her sister.

After they all said goodbye they all comforted Akari telling her he'll survive she wanted to believe them but maybe they were wrong Akari only had 3 months left so they took her home and stayed with her.

It was 12:00am Koro-sensei went into the room Nagisa was in.


"K-Koro-sensei help me please I don't wanna leave Akari."

"I am."

Koro-sensei gets to work and helps his heart and his abilities to work again so they can heal him.

1 month later

Akari didn't visit Nagisa she was to busy preparing for the baby she was in Her and Nagisa's house it was furnished she went out with Nakamura to look for baby things.

With Karma

"Wait so Koro-sensei saved you."

He was talking to Nagisa while they were walking out of the hospital

"Yep and if it wasn't for him I would be dead I hope Akari is doing ok."

"She's Fine She's with Nakamura getting stuff for the baby we're going to surprise her."

"Oh ok so what's the plan."

"Well I was thinking about sitting on the couch talking to you and when she walks in she will be surprised."

"Oh that sounds good."

"Or we can have you be in the living room and I'll ask Akari for water she'll go get it and you say 'Hi Akari' and hopefully she'll drop the water bottle and run to you and hug you."

"I like the second one."

"We will do that one then."

They drive to Nagisa's house and go inside Nagisa was sitting on the couch while Karma was sitting on the other one.

With Nakamura

"So is this cute?"

She held up a little teddy bear

"That's cute but shouldn't we find clothes."

"But we don't know the gender you want it to be a surprise."

"Yes I know that's why we can get mutual."


They find seven things and buy it and leave Nakamura gets a call

"It's Karma."

She picks up the phone

Everything is ready he's in position and we're ready for you and Akari to come home.

Well we're on our way home right now see you there.

Bye see you soon

Ok bye

"What were you two talking about?"

"When we were heading back to your place."

"Oh ok."

They drive into the driveway Akari opens the door.

"Hey Karma."

"Hey Akari and Babe."

"So how are you."

"I'm good Nakamura hey Akari can you get me some bottled water."


Akari walks into the kitchen and gets a bottle of water.

"Hey Akari."

She was about to walk out

Did someone just say Hi to me?

Akari looks towards where the sound came from she drops the water bottle and starts to cry and it worried Nakamura

"Akari What's wrong?" Nakamura

Akari gets up and runs to Nagisa hugging him.

"H-How the d-doctors said you...... wouldn't make it." Akari

"Koro-sensei revived me and I'm so sorry I left you I love you I promise I will always come back." Nagisa

Akari looks at him and kisses him Nagisa put his hands on her stomach on accident and felt the baby kick he broke the kiss.

"The baby just kicked." Nagisa

"Yeah I know." Akari

"How much longer." Nagisa

"2 more months man." Karma

"Karma and Nakamura were you in on this?" Akari

"Who do you think brought him here." Karma

"He told me to distract you but I didn't you called me to get baby clothes with you." Nakamura

"True thank you Karma and Nakamura." Akari

"You're welcome." Nakamura

They all have a group hug and told everyone Nagisa was ok and everyone came over to see him and wanted to know how many more months Akari had before the baby was born.

Akari went up to Koro-sensei

"Koro-sensei thank you for beinging Nagisa back." Akari

"Of course Akari I would never let any of my students die." Koro

Akari smiles at him Koro-sensei put his hand on her stomach

"So 2 more months till the baby comes into the world." Koro

"Yep I've already have everything ready the babies room is next to ours so we can hear the baby cry." Akari

"Ok well Aguri has been going on none stop about becoming an Aunt." Koro

"So that means your the Uncle." Akari

"I mean if me and her get married then yeah." Koro

"Yeah don't act like you haven't proposed I see the ring on her finger how long ago was it." Akari

"Oh so you did notice about a week ago Nakamura and Karma are getting married soon." Koro

"Yep I already have my dress." Akari

"Have fun I'm going to talk to Nagisa." Koro

Akari went to go talk to her friends while Koro-sensei went to talk to Nagisa

"I know how many kids you're having." Koro

"Wait really how many." Nagisa

"I'm not saying." Koro

"Ok I'll have to see for myself when she gives birth." Nagisa

Akari you're the best thing that has happened to me in my life I will love you for all eternity you are mine I will protect you and our kids I promise my love and it's one I will keep till my last breath.

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