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In the morning

"Good morning."

"Good morning also it's time to get dressed Akari."

She gets up and see him in the fancy clothes she got dressed in her clothes and goes out the door with him.

"So why are we leaving so early?"

"We're no we have 30 minutes till it starts."

"Oh ok let's go."

They start to climb the hill it wasn't that hard when they got to the top they could see most of there class mates.

"It's Akari." Said Okuda

"Hey everyone."

"Who is that next to you."

"Oh this is my bodyguard his name is Python."

"Oh wow it's nice to see you again."
Said Karma

"Nice to see you too."

"So we are just waiting for the rest of the class let's introduce ourselves to Python." Isogai

"Right well you already know me." Karma said

"I'm Okuda."





Akari takes out her phone

"I'm Ritsu."


"And I'm Okajima."

"Well now that everyone who is here has been introduced we need to wait for the rest of them but for now let's get to work." Said Isogai

"We are decorating right?"


After 30 minutes everyone else shows up even the teachers

"I'm Okano."
















"And Itona."

"You also know who we are so we don't need to introduce ourselves."

"Nufufufuf everyone inside we need to have a little discussion."

"Go on you heard the Octopus."

"Except Python you stay with us."

Everyone goes inside and sits in there old chairs.

"Did you bring your outfit?"

"Yes I did Mr.Karasuma."

"Go put it on we will talk to the students not to get scared your weapon is in the teachers lounge."

"Are you sure this is how we should tell them."

"Yes it is."

"But I need to wash my hair to make it blue again."

"Don't worry I'll go in there and help you just go get dressed while we stall the class."

Nagisa runs to the teachers lounge and covers up the window and gets dressed in his clothes.

Mr. Karasuma and Mrs. Irina go and stall the class while Koro-sensei helps Nagisa with his hair.

With Mr. Karasuma and Mrs. Irina

"Ok class so we all know why we are here for a class reunion."

"Yes Sir." Everyone

"Good so I want all of you to have fun but one room is off limits."

"Which room is that." Nakamura

"The teachers lounge we can't have anyone in there because it's a surprise so you can play or do anything else."

"Mr. K." Akari


"Where's Python."

"He left he doesn't need to protect you anymore we will have someone else do it we need him on another Mission."

"Nufufufuf So what are we talking about in here."

"Are we good Octopus?"

"Yes we are Mrs.Irina."

"Ok someone please tell us what the surprise is." Terasaka

"Fine we invited someone." Irina

"And who is that Mrs.Irina." Yada

"He is known as the reaper." Karasuma

"WHAT?!" Everyone

"Calm down he's not like the other one."

"So then why is he here?" Fuwa

The door opens

"Special reasons."

"Everyone meet the best Assassin the MOD has ever had the reaper."

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