Home Again

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"Akari go get in the shower."


Akari walks up the stairs to her room.

"So what's your name."

"Oh I'm- Im Python."

I missed my mom even though she abused me and then I realized I cut my hair she's going to kill me.

"Can you come here Python."

I walk over seeing my mom makes me want to cry an hug her.

She whispers"I know it's you Nagisa don't worry I'll keep you secret." She held out her arms I ran into her arms and started to tear up.

"I've missed you mom."

"I've missed you too come on let's go to your room."

We walk up the stairs and into my room I put my stuff down and everything was exactly the same place it was when I left it.

Akari finished getting dressed and sees the door to Nagisa's room open she walks in.

"Mrs.Shiota I thought we weren't going to have anyone come in here."

"I know and I'm sorry sweetie but he has to sleep somewhere he can't be on the couch."

Akari sighs and gives me a glare and says" if you mess anything up in this room I'll kill you."

She walks out leaving me and my mom in here.

"Well I'll get you settled in."

My mom leaves I put my stuff away and my mom yelled saying "Akari where are you going it's to late to go anywhere."

"I'm just going to get pudding across the street."

"You're not going anywhere without your bodyguard."

I hear someone walking up the stairs I was on my bed reading a book when this happened and my door suddenly swung open revealing Akari.

"Can you come with me to get pudding."


I got up out of bed and went down towards Akari I got on my shoes and headed towards the store across the street.

"So how long have you been with the MOD."

"5 years."

"Wow that's a long time."

"Yeah but what do you work as."

"Oh I'm an actress."

An actress?!

"Why did you want to become an actress."

"Because I did it when I was younger and I've loved it ever since so why did you become an Assassin."

"Because I can protect the ones I love."

"I wished I was able to protect the ones I loved."

"Who was that."

"Well actually two people."

"Who are they."

"Well first starters my big older sister because she was abused at her old work she's ok now thought, but the second one was my best friend he helped me a lot and the mission that we had I never saw him after that day I never got to tell him."

"Tell him what?"

"That I love him."

Nagisa blushes at what she said did she really love him well not as Python, but as Nagisa.

They walked in the store and bought 2 bags of pudding.

Walked home

"So goodnight Python."

"Goodnight Akari."

They went to bed Nagisa went outside to give his report to Karasuma.

"Nagisa report."

"Everything is Good Mr. Karasuma."

"Good to know only 2 more days till the reunion me and Mrs. Irina will be there."

"Ok I'll see you in two days."

Nagisa hung up the phone and looked out at the view little did he know a girl was listening to his entire conversation with Mr.K.

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