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"W-Why do I need to tell you?"

"Because we want to know."

"Well come on say it Akari."

"Yeah no I'm not saying it that's just weird."

"Come on please."


"Come on why not."

"Because it's none of your business."

"Yes it is he knocked you up that's a big deal."

"I told him he could."

"Why did you tell him he can Fuck you."

"Because we didn't want anyone other than each other also you won't let this go until I tell you."

"Yep now spill."

"Fine I will it was when the day we found out it was him."

"You has it then?!"

"Yep now next person."

"Well it's your turn."

"Oh ok Nakamura truth or dare."


"Have you and Karma had it yet."

She blushed as red as a tomato and started to mess up her words.

"I-I um hehe well-well um we re-really don't ne-need to say I mea-mean r-right hehe."

The girls look at each other and start jumping up and down while Nakamura was flustered.

"Why Akari why."

"Well you asked me when I did it I wanted to know if you and Karma did it and it turns out you have was it with protection or not are you pregnant?"

"Their was no protection and I don't know if I'm pregnant."

"We gotta go find out then."

"No we do not."

Knock knock*


Nakamura has walks up to the door.


"Hey Babe can I come in and get my stuff."

"You know you don't need to ask Karma."

"I know also what were you girls talking about."


"Girls stop will someone tell me what is going on here?"

"Well we were playing truth or dare-."

"No stop talking he doesn't need to know."

"Need to know what."

"N-Nothing right girls."

All the girls except Nakamura "YOU TWO HAD SEX!"


"Calm down yes we did at least she's not pregnant unlike Akari."


"What it's true Nagisa gave you his sperm-."

"Ok Karma we all know how the cycle works."

"So why did you guys ask her about that."

"Because she asked me when Nagisa knocked me up."

"Oh ok."

"I told you girls not to bring this up."

"Hehehehe to bad."

"Your all so annoying."

"But you love us."

"No not really."

"Well that's rude."


"Nakamura can I talk to you in our room."



"Oh shh."

They walk up into there room.

With Nakamura and Karma

"Ok Karma what is it."

"Nothing but you don't need to get mad at them."

"Why not did you not hear what they said."

"Yes I did but let it go."

"Why should I let it go."

"Let it go or...."

He grabs her by the waist and puts his mouth near her ear with this sudden movement Nakamura blushed. Karma whispered in her ear.

"I'll have to punish you." He said seductively

"F-Fine I will you Baka."

"I'm not a Baka also you shouldn't have said that."

"W-Why not."

Karma starts to suck on her neck creating a moan from Nakamura's mouth.

"K-Karma if you keep on doing that I going to get a hickey."

"Heheh good that means I've marked you."

"Karma Akabane please stop don't do this before the wedding people will see it."

"To late you're already marked."

He caressed her cheek and gave her a peck on the lips.

"You know I love you right."

"I love you too idiot."

Karma gets his stuff and heads back to Nagisa's house.

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