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"Who are you and what do you want with us." Megu

"Well I'm here to say Hi of course why am I not aloud to visit my old friends."

"What?!" Everyone

"We were never friends with a killer." Yoshida

"Oh really you want me to help you remember."

"Remember What?" Nakamura

"Well where do I start hmm well I think I should start with this ware house ring a bell?"

"Why are you talking about the ware house where one of our friends died?!" Akari

"Aw poor Akari poor all of you, your all so confused now."

"Nufufufuf does everyone want to know who he is?"

"I-I do." Akari

"Akari why do you want to know who this person is?" Kanzaki

"Because I want to know how he knows we were there."

"How long ago were you there." Chiba

"5 years ago."

Everyone's eyes were wide

"So who wants to know who I am?"

Everyone raised there hand

"Alright but don't yell I'll have one of you take off my hood."

"I-I will."

Everyone looks at Akari as she walks towards him

"Akari why are you doing this?" Okuda

"Because I want to know if he is really a bad guy."

"I'm not a bad guy I work for MOD."

Akari grabs the hood and pulls it down she starts to tear up once she saw the blue hair and eyes everyone was shocked at what they saw it was.......


"Hey everyone."

"Everyone Nagisa has become the reaper he is also someone you meet very recently."

"You mean..."

"Yes he was protecting Akari."

Akari gives him a big hug.

"Akari it's ok I'm sorry for tricking all of you."

"Stupid STUPID why did you leave us for 5 years."

"I had to go into hiding."

"So how did you become the most greatest Assassin?" Justice

"I'll show you everyone go outside Koro-sensei you want a rematch."

"Nufufufuf indeed I do."

"What do you mean by rematch Nagisa." Akari.

"I'm not normal let's just say that."

Everyone was walking out Akari didn't want to leave Nagisa's side so she held his hand while Nakamura and Karma were taking pictures.

"So Nagisa why did you hide your identity from me when we meet."

"I wasn't allowed to tell you."

"Oh ok."

"Akari is it true that you love me?"

She totally forgot she said that.

"I-I um Y-Yeah sorry if you don't feel the same way."

He pulled her in and kissed her on her forehead

"Of course I love you Akari I missed you when I was away from you I broke your heart and I'm sorry."

"It's ok but don't do it again."

They finally got outside they let go and Nagisa was now facing Koro-sensei

"Nufufufuf you ready."


There was a flash of light and then smoke was around Nagisa he was moving at Mach 15.

"Wait is Nagisa a....." Sugino

Tentacles came out of Nagisa's back everyone was shocked they thought it was going to be like Akari.



This made Akari blush his tentacles go towards Akari and they rapped around her he told them to bring her towards him. So they did.

"Ah Nagisa your supposed to be fighting Koro-sensei."

"I know."

"Then why am I-."

She couldn't finish Nagisa places his lips on hers his tentacles let go of her and hid themselves.

1 hit....

2 hit...

3 hit...

4 hit...

5 hit...

6 hit...

7 hit 10hit....

13 hit 15 hit....

18 hit 20hit.... critical damage

"What was that for?"

"Just because now you can go."

She ran away to keep herself safe Nagisa and Koro-sensei fought they all could tell how Nagisa was the best Assassin Now.

"Wow he's moving almost as fast as Koro-sensei." Karma

"I know right." Nakamura

"Nufufufuf I give up you win again."

Everyone gave Nagisa a hug and they hung out they all left at 8:30 pm except Akari and Nagisa.

"So um Nagisa why do you have tentacles?"

"I got shot with a dart it was supposed to be for a bad guy but it hit me instead and this was at the wear house 5 years ago they asked me a question on what they want me to do it told them to protect you no matter what and well that's how I got you out in time I knew it was going to crumble down so I saved you and Karma and that's how it happened."

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