After party

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They finally get to the after party and it was time for the speeches. Karma and Nakamura were up first.

"Hello everyone I'm Karma."

"And I'm Nakamura I'm the maid of honor."

"I'm the best man."

"We've known them since high school and I'm really glad I met them and I'm really glad they were in Eclass with me they're great friends."

"Me and Nakamura always teased them to get together and look at them now they are a married couple and are madly in Love now I'm sad because I have no else to tease."

Everyone laughs

"And we are so happy for both of you."

Both of them "we love you both and have a good time."

Once everyone gave there speeches it was time for cake Nagisa and Akari had to do rock paper sizers to see who gets the cake in there face.

Akari won and she grabs a slice and puts it on his face and starts to clean her hand and his face they all got there slices of cake and it was time for presents the entire Eclass was first they gave them there presents most of them were about the baby and some were for protection against enemies then Nagisa's parents come up and give them their present they both opened it and inside there was a piece of paper Nagisa and Akari were so happy and hugged his parents everyone was so confused on what it was they bought them a house.

It was now time to throw the bouquet all the girls were lined up Karma was ready.

"You ready ladies 1...2...3..."

Nothing all the girls were sad Karma was in the back getting ready he was a little nervous.

Akari looks back and sees Nakamura and Akari was facing her and walks up to Nakamura and is standing right in front of her and Karma starts to get through the crowding girls Nagisa goes next to Akari. She hands Nakamura the bouquet Karma was already on the floor with one knee and Nagisa ran to get the microphone and turn off the music.

"Here you go Nakamura your next down the aisle." Akari

Everyone was cheering Nakamura was so confused

"Why are you giving this to me?" Nakamura

"This is why." Nagisa

Nagisa hands Karma the microphone.

"Nakamura can you please turn around."

She did and gasps as she saw Karma on the floor with one knee holding and box with a ring in it.

"Rio Nakamura we've known each other since high school and started making fun of the two married couple here I knew you were the one for me and I love you a lot and you are my one and only true love and I can't think of anyone I would rather be with I will stay by your side to love and protect you so will you marry me I love you."

Everyone was cheering and Nakamura had tears in her eyes she was so happy she goes on her knees and hugs him then kisses him on the lips once they parted she said.

"Yes Karma I will marry you."

Everyone congratulated them

Nagisa and Akari went to there honeymoon location which was still in Japan they didn't want to be very far from everyone.

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