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"WAIT WHAT!" Nagisa

"I just said my water broke."

Koro-sensei called 911 to come pick her up.

Karma got a chair for her to sit on.

Koro-sensei said that they would be here in an hour.

"I don't think I have to TIME!" Akari

She squeezed Nagisa's hand really tight

"Akari hey look at me everything is going to be fine." Nagisa

"Ow Ow Yes I know it is but Ahh this hurts so much." Akari

Aguri went up to her and told her to calm down she held her hand squeezing hers and Nagisa's

"Sis it's ok take deep breaths and babe get the ambulance on the phone ask them how to give birth." Aguri


Akari was in pain from how much it hurt.

Aguri told people to go outside looking for the ambulance.

Koro-sensei put them on speaker

"Hello Mrs.Shiota everything is going to be ok."

A girl in the ambulance told her

"Who is the one who will take the babies?" She asked

"I will." Aguri

"I'll do it as well." Okuda

"Ok good two people now is she wearing underwear if so take it off and Mrs. Shiota I need you to breath ok."

(Btw I don't know how this works but I'm just going to do this ok)


She was holding Nagisa's hand he looked scared.

"Dude you good."

"Yeah just nervous that's all Sugino."

Akari was sweating Nakamura got a damp towel and dabbed it on her head.

"Ok Mrs.Shiota I'm gonna need you to push and the two at the bottom if the head isn't coming out I'm gonna need to tell you to stop we are 30 minutes away.

"Akari you're doing great."

Nakamura tried to calm her down

Akari pushes while screaming and squeezing Nagisa's hand.

"Is the head coming out?"

Akari looked pale.

"We are now 10 minutes away Mrs. Shiota if you can hear me say you're fine."

"I-I'm fine."

"Ok well we are almost their we will take you to the hospital but you will need to give birth in the ambulance ok."


The ambulance was outside people come and grab her the head was already popping out Nagisa and Aguri went with her while everyone else drove in their own car


They had her in a room Nagisa wasn't aloud to go in.

2 hours later

A doctor comes out

"H-How is she doc." Nagisa asked scared

"She's Fine you have twins a baby boy and girl."

Nagisa's stress was down he was so happy he went into the room and saw Akari holding one.

"Nagisa Hey ."

"Akari how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine but we really didn't have time to think of any names."

"Yeah I know."

"How about you name the girl I name the boy."

"Sounds like a plan love."

They started thinking of names in their head

Then Nagisa said

"How about ... Azusa."

"I like that name for her."

Nagisa looked at her

"Let me about Nero."

"I think it's perfect Azusa and Nero."

After awhile of introducing everyone to the babies Akari went to bed she was way to tired from giving birth.

Nagisa gave the nurses their children and they left him with Akari

"Akari I know you're alseep but I'm so happy that we're finally a family I love you so much and I don't want to leave you, I will do what ever it takes to keep you all safe even if I'm risking my life it's a risk I'm will omg to take and Azusa and Nero you are my top priority and I will do whatever it takes to keep you from harm and make you happy I love you both."

And welcome to the world

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