Hard without you

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Akari stayed at the hospital

"Mrs.Shiota I insist you leave to take care of yourself."

"I'm good I'm not going to leave his side so how is he."

"We already told you he is stable but he lost a lot of blood."

"So nothing else new."

"No but do you want us to check the baby."

"Yes please."

"I'll go get the equipment I will be back."

The doctor leaves

"Hey Nagisa it's Akari your wife I hope you'll make it the doctors said you won't but I don't want to believe that I want you to stay with me please."


"You know he's not going to say anything right Akari."

Akari looks to her side she sees Nakamura and Karma.

"Oh hey you guys how are you."

"We are fine but we're worried about you you need to take care of yourself and the child go home and get rest Akari well stay here and tell you how Nagisa is doing."

"Well thanks Karma but I need to stay here they have to check on the baby to see if it's ok from what happened."

"Well I hope it is ok and same with Nagisa but I hope you will be alright this is really hard for you isn't it Akari."

"Yeah it is I need him to make it."

"He will make it I hope but we will live on without him."

"I can't do that I need him here with me alive."

The doctor comes in and checks on Akari's baby

"The baby is healthy Mrs.Shiota."

"Well that's a relief."

"Yes it is now I'm going to check on your husband."

After 30 minutes

"He will make it his cells are coming back at a good pace he will be fine he should wake up in a week but he may or may not remember you."

"Ok Doctor What will help him remember us."

"Well Mr.Akabane you can introduce him to people and he'll remover them little by little bit he will remember his parents instantly."

"Ok thank you doctor."

"I hope you will be ok have a nice time."

1 week later

Akari comes to the hospital to see how he is.

"Ah Mrs.Shiota hes awake."

Akari walks into his room and sees Karma walk up to her and push her out of the room.

"Karma let me through I want to see him."

"Akari he doesn't remember anyone."

"Wait you're joking let me see."

She walks in there followed by Karma

"Hey Nagisa how are you feeling."

"Hi who are you and I'm feeling fine."

"I'm Akari Shiota your wife."

"Really I'm married."


Nagisa looks around and sees his weapon in the corner

"Why is there a weapon in here?"

"It's yours you kill bad people for a living."

"Oh why?"

"Well reasons I guess but your known as the reaper."

"Oh um ok and who are you?"

He points to Karma

"I just told you my name like 5 minutes ago."

"Oh that's right your name is Karma."

"Yes it is and you need to remember your memories fast."


"Because they are trying to kill Akari so you need to figure out a way to protect her."

"Can't she protect herself."

"Nagisa I'm pregnant."

"Wait what?!"

"Mhm it's your child."

After two hours he went back to sleep and started getting dreams about his past and how he met everyone.

Akari fell asleep too Nagisa wakes up and sees her next to him.

Nagisa got a vision of their entire life and how they met everything.

Nagisa shakes Akari until she wakes up.

"Nagisa what's wrong."

"I remember you I remember everything Akari I'm so sorry I forgot how are you how's the baby are you injured."

"Nagisa calm down please."

He hugged her and they both fell asleep

In the morning

Akari wakes up on the sofa Nagisa wasn't in the room.

The doctor walks in.

"Doctor where is Nagisa."

"I'm surprised you didn't wake up his heart stopped last night we have him in another room I'm sorry Mrs.Shiota but his heart is failing he is awake I insist you call everyone to say goodbye."

"He's not going to die do something else."

"Mrs.Shiota there isn't anything else we can do I'm sorry."

The doctor leaves Akari cry's she couldn't believe he was gone.

Nagisa no please survive I need you please...
Please I love you don't .......

Leave me...

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