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"What 60 or more we can't face them we don't have enough people."

"We are giving our knives people a gun and out gun people knives just in case you need it."

"We can do this everyone it will take a lot of time."



Glass shaders

"Nufufufuf Nagisa Let's go."

"Gladly let's see how many we can take out."

They speed away while everyone walked out.

"It's ok Akari Nagisa will be ok." Kanzaki

"I know he will I'm just scared they're trying to kill me."

"It's ok Akari we will be ok I mean we are trained Assassins."

Once they got outside they see Koro-sensei and Nagisa looking around. What are they looking for. Just than Nagisa throws a knife in the tree and then a guy falling. Nagisa picks up the gun inspecting it.

"Oh wow that was amazing how did he do that." Terasaka

"He's an Assassin." Akari

Nagisa shot in the trees and men fall from all of them one of them came out of the tree.

"I challenge you to a duel hand on hand."


They start fighting

"Calm down Akari he's ok he can handle himself." Karma

"No he can't Karma."

She walks in the classroom and grabs 10 knives and a sleeping dart she left her knife on her leg and went back outside.

She grabs knives and throws them in the trees killing 10 men.

"Alright let's go."

Everyone splits up except the snipers Akari, Karma, and Nakamura were all near Nagisa.
Nagisa was still fighting him Akari take out the blow dart and shoots it at the man making him sleep in and instant.

"You know I could handle him right?"

"I know." Akari said coming out of the tree

"So you didn't need to do that."

"Well I wanted to."

She heard someone move near them and she points her gun in that direction.

"Hey hey it's Nakamura don't shot."


"We need to get going Where's Koro-sensei."

He comes flying through

"Nufufufuf I looked how many we have and I saw there leader it is Takaoka."

"So he's trying to kill Nagisa again."

"No I overheard him he's trying to get you Akari."

"Wait why me."

"He knows that you're a famous actress if he gets you the only way to save you is give him money."

Akari got so scared

"Where is he Sir."

"He is in the middle coming up the hill."

Nagisa turns on his speed.

"Is anyone guarding him?"

"20 people I'll help."

They both speed away leaving the three if them.

"So we need to protect Akari at all costs?"

"Yep most likely so Akari are you ok."

"We need to kill everyone who try's to hurt them."

"Akari look out!"

Nakamura pulls her back after a dart flys past.

"Get in the trees for cover."

They hide in the trees

"Why me?!"

"Calm down they will hear you."

"Oh right sorry."

With Nagisa and Koro-sensei

"So Sir what's the plan?"

"Knock all of them unconscious."

"Great I have to hit them."

They rush there they see them Koro-sensei has the front Nagisa has the back they knocked out one person after the other until they got to the middle.

"Koro-sensei nice to see you again."

"It's actually not."

"Oh come on let's settle this at the top of the mountain and bring Akari."

"We will not this ends now!" Nagisa

"Ah look here it's the reaper here to run away from defending your title."

"Let's settle this just you and me."

Once they reach the top of the mountain everyone was there.

"Nagisa what are you thinking?"

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