Lost and found

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In the morning

"Good morning Mrs.Shiota."

"Good morning Akari."

"Where's Python?"

"I think he's still asleep."

"I'll go wake him up."

Akari walks up stairs

"Hey Python you in there."

No response


She opens the door no ones inside she looks around it's like he just vanished.

"I'm out here."

He was on the balcony

"Oi breakfast is ready come on."

She sat on Nagisa's bed

"Hey Akari are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine come on let's go eat."

They walk down stairs and start to eat Akari goes and gets dressed.

"Now you must protect her at all cost Python."

"Yes Mrs.Shiota."

Akari wanted to walk around since they only had two days left she needed something nice to wear.

"Let's go to the mall."


Once they got to the mall Akari ran into a dress store.

"Hey Python can you choose some dresses for me."

"Um.........I don't think-."

"Come on please."


Nagisa's POV

I look around the store looking for a dress that will look good on her.

Well everything here would look great on her this is hard. Wait what am I thinking how about something blue. Maybe she would want a type of dress that isn't to fancy.

She walks out of the dressing room in a red short dress with gems on top it's a one shoulder dress it was very beautiful.

"Well how do I look?"

"You look great."

"So what dresses did you find."

"This one."

It was a light blue dress strapless it went a little past her knees there were crystals on the top. It had a very thin layer of fabric where the sold color was it was perfect for her.

"I'll try it on."

She grabs it out of my hands and walks back into the dressing room I sit on the couch waiting for her.

Kayanos POV

When I grabbed the dress from Python's hand I went back in the dressing room taking off the one I had. I put on the one that I just got and it was a perfect fit it was so comfortable. It looked like.......

Why am I thinking of NAGISA?! This is so weird I mean it's light blue like his hair and eyes. No no no Akari stop this isn't good don't think about Nagisa he's never coming back.

I walked out and showed Python.

Nagisa's POV

When she walked out I could tell she liked it. It looks like it fits her perfectly.

Wow I didn't actually think it would look good on her. She look gorgeous why does she look great I can't believe I choose a good dress for her. Is it because..... no no no I do not like her like that she is just my friend.

"H-How do I look."

"You look great."

"Hehe thanks I think I'm going to get this one."

No ones POV

They buy the dress and get Python a tux since he has to go and protect her.

They get home and Mrs. Shiota wasn't home.

"So what else do you need to do for this reunion."

"Well um I have nothing else I need to do actually."

"Oh ok."

"But I do need to ask you a question."

"Which is?"

"How do you know Mr.K?"

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