Honeymoon (part 1)

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Once they got to there they were followed by none other than Koro-Sensei.

"Sir why did you follow us?"

"Because I wanted to see where you were just Incase something bad happened."

"Oh ok sir we will be in that hotel there."

It was a really fancy one too

They got in there room and had a little make out session before going to bed.

They were there for an entire week

It was Wed. Sat. Is when they leave they were having so much fun but they had to do stuff that Akari could do because there is stuff she can and can't do because of the baby.

They went in a cave and mini golfing they were going to the beach right now.

"So Akari What are we going to do at the beach?"

"We can go swimming, build a sandcastle, sea shell collecting."

"Ok I think we have a good list."

Once they got to the beach it was already 4:00pm not much daylight

They went swimming it was a lot of fun.

"Hey Nagisa what time is it?"

"It's 5:00."

"We should go back to the hotel."

"Yeah we should come on."

They went back to the hotel and took showers

"Hey Akari What should we have for dinner."

"How about sushi."

"Ok let's go."

They go out to a restrant and order there food and ate it and came back to the hotel and Akari got a text from Nakamura

Hey Akari guess what.


I'm pregnant


Hehehe yeah but I want you to be my maid of honor when me and Karma get married

Awe of course I will I'm so excited to see you and karma's kid they are going to look so cute.

Hehe yeah they will well I gotta go have fun with your hubby and don't go crazy for more sex.

"Nagisa guess what."


"Nakamura is pregnant."

"Really omg I'm so proud Karma and Nakamura are going to be great parents just like us."

"You know I'm only one month in right."

"Yeah I know I just can't wait to see him/her."

"Same night Babe."


They turn off the lights and go to sleep

After 5 hours it was already 12:00am and everything was so peaceful it was so quiet although Akari was twisting and turning it wasn't until she woke up and walked over to the kitchen.

"Ugh my head hurts."

"A-Akari you ok babe?"

"I'm fine Nagisa it's just that my head hurts and it's hard to sleep."

"Oh ok well come on let's try to get to sleep."

"Ok well after I finish my water I'll join you."

"Ok I'll wait."

She finishes and walks towards the bathroom

After that she goes to the bed and cuddles next to Nagisa after 30miunets later it is 12:44

Nagisa wakes up with a shock and wakes up Akari

"W-What's wrong?"

"Get behind the bed."

"Nagisa what's going on."

All of a sudden a bang was heard on a door and it wasn't a nice knock.

Nagisa goes next to Akari and hides behind the bed.

"What's going on Nagisa?!"

"They're here." He said in a whisper

She was whispering now too "who?"

"Tentacle users."

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