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Btw I'm so happy to right this chapter.

Akari wakes up with her friends all around her.


"It's time to get ready for your big day." Nakamura Said

They grab her hands and they show her the schedule for today Nakamura had it all planned out.
5. Marriage

"Really you planed all of this?"

"Heck yeah I did we also got Koro-sensei to help us out with where we are having the after party but you are able to get married on the beach."

"Ok well what are we waiting for let's get started."

With Nagisa

The boys got ready and do there hair Nagisa was already done and waiting for them.

"Yo dude are you excited?"

"Yeah I am are you Karma."

"Yeah because my ship since I first came to E class I get to see get married."

"Wow thanks."

With Akari

"Ok I'm in my dress what else and I have the bouquet what else do I need."

Aguri walks up to her sister with Koro-sensei

Aguri was wearing a green dress with a little sparkles on it.

"Omg Koro-sensei you're a..."


"Yep hello everyone this is what I look like."

"So are you kinda like Nagisa Sir?" Yada

"Yes I still have tentacles."

"Oh ok."

"Awe my little sister looks so beautiful."

"Yes she does but I think she would look good with this vail."

"It's perfect thank you Koro-sensei

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"It's perfect thank you Koro-sensei."

"Your welcome."

With Nagisa

"Ok dude you are finally getting married."

"Yeah I know right I actually thought Karma was going to be first out of everyone here."

Karma blushed at what the other boys said

"Really you all actually thought that."

"Pfft yeah."

They all got in the car and drove to the beach where the ceremony was everyone they knew was there except Aguri and Koro-sensei.

Nagisa was already in the back room waiting for everyone to get in there seats. Nagisa's mom comes in

"So are you ready?"

"Mhm of course I am."

"My son has grown up and I'm so happy you found the girl of you dreams that you will hopefully spend the rest of your life with her."

"Thank you mom and I will spend the rest of my life with her I love her."

"Good now I'll see you out there she's on her way so you need to be at the alter soon."

Nagisa's mom walks out and then Nagisa goes with his friends up to the alter waiting for the girls.

With Akari in the car

"So we finished taking pictures now it's time for the marriage who will walk you down the aisle though."

"Koro-sensei will."


Once they got there the bridesmaids get out first the entrance was blocked by vines of flowers so Nagisa and her can't see each other.

"You ready."

"Yeah I am."

The bridesmaids walk up to the alter at the vines two boys were getting ready to open the curtains to let Akari through.

Everyone stands up and Nagisa knew his bride to be was going to come through those very soon and the music played and Akari walked in the entire room was in awe Nagisa blushed at her and once Kori-Sensei handed her to Nagisa they were so happy to be together.
After they exchange vows and the rings Nagisa wasn't able to see her true beauty because the vail was still down one the priest said

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride."

Nagisa and Akari look at each other Nagisa could finally take off her Vail revealing her beautiful face her hair was in a bun her eye lids had a little bit of black and blue eye shadow and a tint of red lips she was absolutely stunning. Nagisa grabs her waist and pulls her in and kisses his wife everyone cheered and were so happy for there friends. Everyone who was the closest to the aisle had lanterns on the end of there stick and lit up the way to there car to the after party they walked through it and got in there car.

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