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One day till the wedding

"Omg Akari one more day I can't wait."

"Now your making me nervous we have one day we haven't even decided what hair style I'm going to have or if the beach is a good place-."

"Akari calm down geez stress is bad for the baby calm down."

"You're right I need to calm down but what about everything."

"Calm down Nagisa's parents got this they have everything under control but for now we need to discuss what we are going to do with your hair." Yada

"Well I could straighten it and braid it on one side and put flowers in your hair does that sound good."

"That sounds great thank you Kanzaki."

"Your welcome but what should we do today I mean we could just watch movies or hang out but we can't leave the house at all we can't risk it."

"True I mean we could have a cooking contest."

"Sure let's do that."

"Let's have Akari be the judge but don't give her food poisoning."

"Ok I will do it and please no food poisoning and you all know what I can and can't eat correct."

"Yes yes we know we won't give you anything to harm the baby."

"Ok good."

"Also don't act got it."

"Oh speaking of acting are you not going to do it concerning the baby."

"No I already spoke to my manager she said it's fine."

"Ok good."

"Now let the cooking begin."

With Nagisa

"Hey dude it's almost time to keep you girl for the rest of your life."

"I can tell Karma and thanks but I know and I'm really excited I can't believe I have one more day until Akari and I are together for the rest of our lives."

"Wow dude you need to chill I asked Nakamura what the girls are doing she said they are having a cooking contest."

"Oh um ok that's interesting."

"Pfft tell me about it Maehara."

"Come on dude your like a professional baseball player for goodness sakes."

"Meh it's good I mean we are working with what we do best."

"I mean you and Hayami are police."

"Well yeah that's true but Takebayashi and Okuda are scientist."

"Yeah we can we please talk about the person who gets paid big time."

Everyone looks at Nagisa


"Nagisa you make so much money you don't even need to live with your parents anymore you can get a house for you and Akari."

"Woah dude that cost to much and no I really don't make that much money."

"Then how much do you make?" Sugino

"I make about 2,500 yen each month."

"Dude that's still a lot but each month."

"Yeah I know weird right."

"Well let's get some sleep for your big day tomorrow."

With Akari

"Ok we are done and it's only 7:00 we need to go to bad to wake up early to get ready for the big day tomorrow."

"Yep let's go I'm so excited for tomorrow it's going to be the best day of my life."

"I thought the best day in your life was when Nagisa kissed you."

"Well that was a best day of mine but now tomorrow is."

"Well we need to go to bed."

"Yeah it's late goodnight everyone tomorrow is the day I'm no longer engaged."

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