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Tee's POV

I woke up early in the morning with the same feeling again, that feeling which has consumed me for past 6 months, that feeling is called pain. Not only physical but emotional pain also and I've been suffering it for almost half a year now.

I am pretty sure that each and everyone of you have been through this feeling once in your lifetime. This feeling could have been given to you by your friends, family, lover, colleague or even neighbors.

We think that we have loving people around us, they all actually care for you. But after a while you realize that it was all your hallucination, everything was fake, people are fake.

A year ago 

"Tee can you come home this weekend please, we want to discuss something important to you." My mom said while talking on the phone.

"Okay mom, I'll be there.I have my day off during weekend unless there is something urgent pop up." I was working in the IT sector after graduating from university last year and it's been a few months since I started working here.

Weekend came and I went to meet my parents. My father has a well established business and mother is a well known fashion designer of the country. My parents are very rich and my father wanted me to join him in his business but I refuse to do so because I wanted to stand on my own feet without anyone's support and my parents agreed with me.

After driving for almost two hours I reached home and was greeted by my parents. It was strange to see my dad at home because he hardly takes any leave from his work. I wonder what they wanted to say to me, it must be something very important.

After settling down I ask, "So what you wanted to talk about mom?"

They were hesitating a bit and giving each other some looks. I knew whatever it was, it is something that involves me

"We won't beat around the bush, we'll just tell you directly." My dad said in a hesitating tone. He took a deep and his next words turned my life upside down.

"We want you to marry someone. You know her very well, she is the daughter of my friend and business partner. To be honest my business is kind of suffering loss and in order to bring my business back on track this is the only solution for me. Yes it's a business deal and we won't force you to agree on it. Meet the girl, take your time and then you can give your decision to us when you're ready."  My dad said in one breath. I know my parents love me a lot and won't force me to do anything, they have provided everything to me so I think it's time that I do something for them too.

I won't lie if I say that I wasn't shocked while hearing the news, but I was relieved too because it was also my own decision to make. I don't want my dad to suffer more loss in his business so I guess meeting this girl won't cause any harm, right? Right.

"You don't have anyone in your life already, do you Tee? If there is someone then you can tell us, you know we will accept your choice of partner." My mom inquired. I know they care about me a lot and they won't be happy if they know that I am not happy with their decision.

"No mom I don't have anyone in my life currently and I'll meet her for sure." I said with an assuring smile.

My parents fixed our meeting in the evening of the same day. I reached that place earlier than her, she came at the right time. Our meeting was brief though, nothing extraordinary. Her name was Iris, she was gorgeous too with a slim body and good features. She was just an inch or two shorter than me, her skin was pale like mine. I wasn't attracted to her but he was not that bad either.

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