Chapter 22

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We gazed at eachother for what seemed like forever.

"Miles" I choked out. Tears were violently and rapidly spitting out of my eyes as I ran over to him. He was running too and caught me in his warm embrace, my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Miles... I fucking missed you" I said through the tears.

"I missed you too, so fucking much" He said, his arms around me. He let me go and we stood hugging for a while until Alex cleared his throat.

"I gotta go run off to the shops, i'll be back in 10 minutes" He said, rushing off. I kissed his cheek goodbye and continued hugging Miles.

"How was the tour?" I asked, pouring a cup of coffee for him as he enjoyed playing my guitar I got from Alex.

"Amazing babe, I got so many photos"

"Can't wait to see 'em!"

"This is a beauty it is" He says, admiring the fender stratocaster.

"I know aye. I absolutely love it" I say, showing off my million dollar smile.

"Play summat. I've never heard you"

"Uh b-but I c-c"

"Ssh. Sing" He says, handing me the guitar. 

"Alex and I wrote this song together and i'm really proud of it so yeah; it's called Stop the world I wanna get off with you."

I strummed down at the strings, adding some detail with different frets every now and then.

"Jesus Christ you're amazing" He stammered. I blushed and he lifted my chin up.

"Hey. Don't pull that face Mardy Bum. You're brilliant" He says, grabbing one of Alex's guitars. 

"The Bakery?" He asks. I nodded and started to play.

"I wish you would have smiled in the bakery

Or sat on a tatty settee

At some mutual friend's gathering

And the more you keep on looking the more it's hard to take

Love, we're in stalemate

To never meet it surely where we're bound

There's one in every town

Just there to grind you down"

I smiled as I was surprised, we sounded good together. Our voices harmonized perfectly.

"I wish I would have seen you in the post office

Well maybe I did and I missed it

Too busy with a mind on clever lines

Why not the rounder's pitch or the canteen?

You're slacking love where have you been?

Just had to go and wait until tonight"

It's been over 20 minutes. I wonder where Alex is?

"I wish I would have seen you down in the arcade

Sipping on a lemonade

In the paper cup and chewing on the straw

And I wish I'd seen you in the bakery

But if I'd seen you in the bakery

You probably wouldn't have seen me"

We finished on our last note and smiled at eachother.

"I best head off then. Nice to see you again love, we should catch up after the Monkeys gig tomorrow" He says, hugging me and kissing my forehead.

"We should. Well, see you tomorrow then!" I say, waving him out the door. He gave me one last crooked smile and left. I picked up my phone and dialled Alex's number. When I had given up hope, on the 6th ring he answered.


No answer.

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

No answer.

"Alex please i'm worried sick, are you ok?"

No answer.

I sighed and hung up, calling several times. After about 10 times of calling, I came to one conclusion. He was either:

a) Cheating


b) Cheating

I ran my hands through my hair and placed my phone back on the table.

11 pm


12 pm

Silence filled the air.

1 pm

I awoke from my nap and wiped the tears away. 

2 pm

I was on the floor, crying my eyes out.

I heard a silent knock on the door.

I couldn't be arsed to get up.

It got louder.

And louder.


"Bella please" A familiar voice muttered.

"Alex..." I croak, crawling up to the other side of the door and leaning against it to help myself stand up.

"No please l-let me in.... It's serious"

I slammed the door open to reveal Alex.

My face widened and my jaw drops.




Arabella Blossom ❥ Arctic Monkeys and The StrokesWhere stories live. Discover now