Chapter 17

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When they all calmed down we just sat there, relaxing.

"When's the award thingio?" Jamie asks.

"Tomorrow" Alex replies. All of a sudden, he pushes all of them out of the room and slams the door, walking over to me. He pushes me against the couch and starts roughly kissing me. He wraps his arms around my waist so I react my pushing my hands through his hair, ruffling it. He lays me on the couch but I hold his wrists down, climbing on top of him and continuing to kiss him. He pushes me off, leaving me confused.

"C'mon. We're going somewhere" He says, grabbing my hand and walking out of the door. We hop on his motorbike and drove off, seeing the bright lights of Paris pass us.


He led me through a park, walking through beautiful tall trees. We sat down on a little baby blue bench, he held my hands in his. I looked up at the stars, seeing how beautiful they were in the night sky. He cups my face with his warm hands and looks into my eyes.

"Arabella..... I know it's not much but here.... Have this..." He says, placing something in my hands.

It's beautiful.

The most beautiful necklace i've ever seen.

I drop my jaw in shock and grip it tight, then flinging my arms around Alex.

"Thank you so much...... I fucking love it" I say, kissing him.

"One more thing. Don't read the back until I tell you to, ok?"

"Ok" I say, giggling.

It's a little necklace with a black loveheart on it, with pretty designs carved in the front. I could tell that there was writing on the back by feeling it, but I guess I can't look at it yet. 

He holds my hand and we walk back to the hotel, I never lose my smile. We hailed a taxi because we're really lazy and we arrived there in no time. 

"I have an even bigger surprise for you tomorrow"

"Well i'm getting spoilt aren't I!" I say jokingly. He laughs along and we unlock the door, greeted by darkness. He picks me up and carries me to bed, laying me down.

"You have to get changed love"

"Ugh... can't be bothered.... I'm too tired"

He let out a tiny sigh and smiled a little. He then took my dress off, throwing it in my suitcase. He unclipped my bra and at first I pushed his hands away.

I didn't feel like sex right now.

He then chuckled and continued to take it off, so I just went with it. He found a baggy shirt and slipped it over my head.

What a sweetheart.

He's changing me.

I give a thank you smile and he smiles back, turning off the light and kissing my cheek.

"Goodnight my love"

"Goodnight Al"


I swear to god if these birds don't shut the fuck up.......

I was woken up to the annoying sound of birds chirping. I walked out into the kitchen to see Alex sipping coffee. He had no shirt on, just his boxers and his hair flat on his head.

"Goodmornin' love"

"Morning Alex"

I pick up a mug and pour myself some, letting the hot liquid flow down my throat.

Arabella Blossom ❥ Arctic Monkeys and The StrokesWhere stories live. Discover now