Chapter 3

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Still trying to think of what happened, I slip on my oversized AM sweatshirt and black knee socks, my sweater was really oversized, and it rested halfway down my thighs. It's 12:30am, so I only have to hope Alex isn't sleeping over. I put my hair into a messy bun and walk out to the living room, ignoring Alex. I slouch down on the TV and watch the news. 

"Seeya Alex!" Matt says, pulling him in for a hug. Thank God.

"Bye Arabella" Alex says, walking over to me. I put my sleeves halfway up my hand and hug him. His body is squished against mine, the smell of cigarettes fill my nose. I keep a straight face, don't say anything and sit back down. Matt sits down next to me and puts an arm around my shoulder.

"What did you want to say before?" He asked calmly. I burst out in tears. I couldn't help it. Matt pulls me into a tight hug as I keep crying.

"Ssshhhh Bella, it's ok, just calm down and tell me"

"I was.. in my room... and he pushed me against the wall and kissed me. The first time he let go when I asked him, but about half an hour ago, he was being so sweet, and... he did it again..... he didn't let go, so I had to push him off myself... I..."

I hated him. Matt said he was nice, and I believed him, and yeah, he probably is nice, but he just wants to get in my pants, and i'm not letting that happen. I saw Matt's face fill with rage, as he picked up his phone and dialled Alex's number, I sat on the couch wiping my tears away.

"WHAT THE FUCK ALEX! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?" Matt screamed into his phone, muffled sounds came from the other line, so he put it on loudspeaker.

"Do what mate?"


"We introduced ourselves, so yes, we actually do know each other!"


"Can I at least explain mate before you get all fucking' annoyed with me?"

"Think before you act Al. You don't know her past." With that, he hung up the phone and ran over to me, comforting me.

"This won't ever happen again, I promise."

"Thanks Matt, I love you."

"I love you too." He softly kissed my forehead, and started ordering pizza for us to eat.


My 18th birthday. The best time of my life was today. Drinks and partying with my friends, it was amazing. I wave to Ashley as she drives off.

"You sure you don't need me to drop you off?"

"I'm fine Ash! I only live a couple blocks away, I'll be fine!"

It was at least 10pm, so I decided to speed up the pace. As soon as I turned the corner, a cold hand grasped my shoulder, and lifted me up. I kicked and screamed, but nobody could hear.

"GET OFF ME, PLEASE!" I begged.

"We're just havin' a little fun..."  The man said, laughing. Within a minute my dress was ripped off, and I was raped. On my birthday. I was crying, blood pouring out of my nose and my lip, I wanted to die. Ashley comes around the corner and sees me, completely naked lying on the grass, a pool of blood around me. She comes running towards me, and wraps a towel around me, carrying me to her car.

"I'm done Ash, i'm sorry." I was going to commit suicide when I got home.

"No, you're not. You are my best fucking friend, if you got raped, i'm getting raped too, if you die, i'm dying with you! You are not leaving me with a goodbye!"

{end of flashback}

"That dickhead." Matt said. "He doesn't know anything about your past, and for him to jump on you like that! I'm really sorry Bella, it was all my fault. I was the one that crushed your dreams and made your nightmares come back in real life."

"Matt, please don't blame yourself, he is nice, and i'm sure he wouldn't try to jump on you. Don't think anything of it."

"You don't have to come on tour...."

"I will Matt! This is an experience of a lifetime, I don't want to miss out on your success!" Just as I said that, the pizza came.

{1 hour later}

"Goodnight Matt, love you!" I say as I walk into my room. "Love you too!"

I slip underneath my covers, and my phone lights up, I see a text from a random number, I usually ignore these but this one caught my eye. 

From: 0114 505 1984

Hey, it's Alex. Look, i'm really sorry for what happened today, I really am, and Matt is right, I don't know your past, I can't bear hearing what you went through. I'm still writing your song, if you want it back, i'll drop it off one day. Meet me at the cafe around the corner from your apartment tomorrow at 1. Once again, i'm really sorry, I understand if you don't want to talk to me ever again.

Alex xx

Tears formed in my eyes, I know how bad he feels, and I wanna give him a chance, so I will meet him tomorrow. I guess Matt told him what happened, I just wanna know why he just kissed me out of the blue, I hope he tells Matt, they are the best of friends. I didn't want to seem mean in my reply, and I wanted to seem like I would forgive him. I decided to save his number.

To: Alex

See you then, keep the song.

Did I sound too dry? Too mean? Too nice? So many thoughts rushed through my head, but I was excited for tomorrow, even though it isn't really a date. I was nervous, but I knew he would be sorry. I hope. He seems so nice, he is so talented, and has such a kind heart, when he wants. I silently put on some music to help me sleep, I put on Secret Door. It always made me sleep, and made me cry every time. I want Alex and I to get along, so we don't spend 2 weeks ignoring each other, and plus, the tour wasn't that long, so I would be home soon, but they would continue, which made me cry every time just thinking about it.

Arabella Blossom ❥ Arctic Monkeys and The StrokesWhere stories live. Discover now