Chapter 14

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Immediatley, I burst out into tears and ran over to them, it was Alex and Matt. I ran towards Alex and he did the same, I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms hanging around his neck. I looked into his eyes and felt his hot breath fanning on my face.

"I missed you so fucking much" He said, crying too.

"I missed you too babe" I say. We pull in for a kiss and it was back to normal. The spark was back, the electric feeling flowing through my body. I hopped down but we continued hugging while Breana and Matt just giggled at how "cute" we were.

"I thought you were coming back in another month?" Alex said.

"I changed my mind, I couldn't go a day without you." I say, wiping my tears away. He pulled me in for another kiss and I felt alive again. We walked to the gate, hand in hand while the paparazzi tried to speak to us.

"How is your relationship with Alex going?"

"You guys don't mind making it public huh?"

"How long have you been going out for?"

"You still haven't answered my question about how your relationship is going"

I was getting angry.

"Do you want to fuck off before I knock you to the fucking ground you prick?" I say to him, holding my fist up. He backed away and Matt immediatley burst out into laughter.

"Never afraid to have a go at anyone are ya love?" 

"Nope" I say, popping the P. We hop in our seats and I fell asleep on Alex's shoulder straight away. Here goes the 8 hour flight.

Alex's POV:

I would kiss and hug her all day if I could, I can't believe shes back. She fell asleep on my shoulder, which made me smile uncontrollably. I got her a gift, a heart shaped necklace, engraved on the back.

R U Mine?

I was going to give it to her when we got off, just to surprise her. Her birthday is in 4 months, but so is mine. Too bad we will be together for only 5 months. If it were longer, I would have proposed. Maybe i'll get a tattoo of her name on my hip or summat. I'll think about it.


Matt nudged me on the shoulder and I realised we were leaving. Holy shit, we slept for a while! I tapped Arabella's shoulder and woke her up.

"Sorry to disturb you love but we're here"

She wriggled out of her seat and we grabbed our bags, walking out of the plane. We ignored any paparazzi and caught a taxi to a hotel. We were only staying here for 3 days, so I have to make it special. I unlocked the door and noticed something. She noticed it too, as her pupils dilated as she stared at the door in shock.


The door number is 505. We both burst out in laughter and waved to the others as they went into their rooms.

"Ugh, what time is it?" She asks.

"Half 9 love"

"I feel like shit i'm so tired!"

"Same, but i'm hungry too. Plane food is absolute crap"

She rummaged through the cupboard to find a box of Mac 'n' Cheese. 

Arabella's POV:

I started making it and poured it into 2 bowls, serving it to Alex.

"Thanks love" He said, kissing me on the cheek.

Arabella Blossom ❥ Arctic Monkeys and The StrokesWhere stories live. Discover now