Chapter 34

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Our first stop was at a little cafe where Alex had booked a table for two next to a full sized window so we could have lunch. While waiting for our food to come, I excused myself and started to reply to all the happy birthday texts and calls. I called mum back, who was with dad and Isabella, then Matt, Jamie and so on. As our food arrived, I looked to my left, only to see paparazzi.

"Fucks sake" I laughed, Alex tilting his head to the side.

"Maybe this was a bad idea.." He said, stabbing his pancakes.

"No, it wasn't Al. It's a lovely idea, thank you for this" I put a hand on the top of his and smiled. We continued to eat out food up until about twenty minutes later to then we left. Alex was wearing his black denim jeans, plain black shirt and his blue peacoat, black motorbike boots on his feet. His hair was slicked back in his normal quiff and his brown eyes met my blue ones as he placed a gentle kiss on the bridge of my nose. We interlocked hands and stepped out to find that it started snowing.

"As if there isn't enough snow on the ground already" He laughed. He was right, there was snow piled everywhere. As we took strolls around town, we were stopped a couple of times by fans who wanted a photo and an autograph from Alex. I didn't want to spoil their fun, so I made him agree. Half an hour later and we were now on Fifth Avenue.

"Oh god Alex, you didn't have to!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I want to, I love you" He smiled.

"I love you too, so much" I returned the smile as we started to shop.


After spending a good half hour in there, I already had three shopping bags, and even after I protested, Alex wanted to keep going. We arrived at Broadway, and I was extremely excited.

"Oh my god Alex this is fucking amazing I love Urban Outfitters and American Apparel and.." He silenced me with a finger to my chapped lips.

"Then, shall we?" He smirked, holding an arm up. I linked my arm through his as we stepped into Urban Outfitters, me running into the womens section with Alex following behind me, chuckling. Twenty minutes had past and we were back out onto the busy streets of Broadway, another two bags that were in my hand. Making it easier for myself, I put them inside the other bags as they were small enough to fit. I only brought one thing from American Apparel, a pair of shoes which I absolutely loved and couldn't resist. As we continued to walk down, Alex offered to carry some bags and I agreed. We stopped at yet another shop in to which I gawked at.

"UNIF!" I squealed, running in like a five year old.

( so i dont think unif is actually in new york or anywhere in there, i actually dont know if you can only shop online, but just pretend it is. i absolutely had to include it in here )

We walked out with a whole seven pairs of shoes, seven clothes and two phone cases.

"I'm so sorry" I laughed to Alex who rolled his eyes.

"Oh god, stop apologizing. It's fine, this is fun" He smiled, kissing my cheek. Still feeling guilty, we walked back out and caught a taxi somewhere else.

"Where are we going now?" I asked.

"You'll see" He smirked, rubbing my hand. After about a twenty minute drive, we ended up in Newport Centre in Jersey City. We hopped out, hands laced as we walked in, gawking at the massive area. After walking around, some fans approaching Alex and looking for shops, we entered Forever 21. Another fifteen minutes passed and we left to find food.

"How long has it been?" I asked Alex, taking a sip out of my cup.

"Hm, about six hours?" He replied, almost making me spit out my hot chocolate. I tilted my head back in laughter as Alex put a hand on my back, chuckling along with me. We found a sushi train and had a couple of pieces before continuing to walk out, but not out of the mall.

Arabella Blossom ❥ Arctic Monkeys and The StrokesWhere stories live. Discover now