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Steve was organized. Everything had its place, and Steve made sure that everything was in its correct place. However, when he sat down at a desk in his first class -- of the day, and the semester -- Steve couldn't help but feel like he was forgetting something.

Digging through his messenger bag, Steve's head was ducked, so he could make sure for the umpteenth time that everything was, indeed, there. The thing was, he couldn't put his finger on what exactly he was missing. He just felt that certain anxiety starting to creep over him. Maybe his charger? Or an extra, extra pen. Or maybe his color penc --

"Hey," a pleasantly surprised chuckled greeting sent a tingling sensation down Steve's spine at the familiar voice.

Snapping his attention from his bag to the handsome boy standing in front of him. Steve cleared his voice and, despite the way his tongue was sticking to the roof of his mouth, returned the greeting, "Hi."

Bucky had an easy grin on his unfairly perfect face and Steve couldn't look away -- no matter how much his inner voice was telling him to direct his attention elsewhere, so he wouldn't seem like such a creeper. Gesturing to the seat next to Steve, Bucky asked, "This seat taken?"

Mutely, Steve shook his head and watched Bucky slip his backpack off his broad shoulders. Steve's heart started to race, and his hands started sweating. As Bucky sat down next to him, Steve was sure that his lungs were going to burst.

Only then did Steve realize that he forgot his inhaler.

Trying to control his breathing the best that he could, Steve redirected his attention from Bucky to the front of the class. The last thing that Steve wanted was for Bucky to see him have an asthma attack.

"So, um," Bucky started but paused when he noticed that Steve was extremely rigid in his seat. Bucky asked, "You okay?"

Steve gave a curt nod. That was all he could do in that moment. Keeping his focus forward -- and not on the beautiful brunet beside him -- Steve prayed that his lungs would just work for once.

"I can move over one," Bucky offered, breaking Steve's heart by how kind Bucky was and how he absolutely did not want Bucky to move further away.

"No!" Steve exclaimed. Even without Bucky's shocked expression, Steve knew that he had said that a little too loudly. The anxiety from the people looking at Steve due to his outburst, wasn't helping Steve in his attempts of remaining calm. "You don't have --" Steve audibly wheezed. Both boys' eyes were wide, and Steve purposely chose to ignore his lungs as he continued "-- you don't... have... to."

Bucky glanced around before leaning closer to Steve and softly, sincerely asked, "Are you okay?"

If Steve thought that Bucky was attractive when he was sharing smug grins with him, he was most definitely not prepared for how undeniably gorgeous Bucky was when he was concerned.  The way that Bucky's brow furrowed pensively and how he seemed to be internally debating whether he should give Steve space or if he should lay a comforting hand on Steve's bony shoulder, was positively gorgeous.  That alone almost caused Steve to lose his breath entirely.

"I forgot... my inhaler," Steve managed.

Heartbreakingly, Bucky solicitously suggested, "Do you want me to get it?" Knowing that his dorm wasn't exactly close to the building that they were currently in, Steve shook his head in protest. Trying to reassure Steve, Bucky informed the petite blond, "I was in track in high school."

Even with his poor lungs, Steve released a loud laugh. Of course, a wheeze followed shortly after. But still. Progress. Although, it was obvious that Bucky was still apprehensive, there was a small, genuine smile on his too-handsome-for-his-own-good face.

Closing his eyes, Steve tried again to control his breathing the best that he could without the assistance of his handy, dandy inhaler. Honestly, Steve was annoyed with himself. Out of everything that he could've forgotten, it had to be something as important as his inhaler. Steve swore he sure could be a stupid son-of-a-bitch sometimes.

From beside Steve, he could hear the easy breaths coming from Bucky. A deep inhale, a calm exhale. Deep inhale, calm exhale. And repeat.

Eventually, Steve's own breathing began to even out with Bucky's unwitting help. Just in time too because their art history professor entered the room. From beside Steve, Bucky let out a pleasantly surprised whispered, "Whoa."

Snapping his attention to Bucky, Steve looked over the handsome brunet. Steve was used to his crushes not being equally interested in him. In fact, most of Steve's crushes weren't often interested in men in general. So, that wasn't anything new. But that didn't negate how much it hurt either.

Steve solemnly turned his attention back to their professor.  Steve couldn't deny that the woman was beautiful. Loose brown curls pinned back from her face. An enviously desirable hourglass frame. Steve found her confidence and the way that she carried herself to be the most attractive thing about her though.

Of course, that was before she opened her mouth and spoke with the most elegant, soothing British accent, "Welcome! I am Professor Carter, and this is History of Western Art!"

"My god," Bucky dreamily whispered next to Steve, "She's perfect."

And even though Steve knew that he didn't stand a chance -- even if Bucky was interested in men -- it didn't make it hurt any less. Steve reasoned, I guess that's why it's called a crush.

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now