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Both boys turned to look in the direction of the familiar voice, finding Bridgette. Immediately, Steve's eyes widened. If Steve was being honest, he thought that he'd never see her again. Just like how he hadn't ran into any of the other girls that he and Bucky had dated.

Yet, there she was. Bundled up in a pink pea coat and matching crocheted accessories. Bridgette was undeniably adorable, and as she approached with a carefree smile on her face, Steve was sure that he'd never get a repeat night with Bucky.

Especially not when Bucky climbed off Steve and jogged over to meet the petite blonde half-way. Cheerfully, Bucky greeted, "I thought you weren't gonna make it."

Steve was sure that his heart breaking was audible, and sat up in the snow. Tears were building in Steve's eyes, and in a desperate attempt to keep them at bay, Steve ground his teeth together. Trying not to think about how correct his assessment had been the previous night about being a consolation prize.

How could he ever want me, Steve bitterly thought.

Feeling absolutely miserable for himself, Steve moved to stand but slipped and promptly fell on his ass. The dramatic part of Steve was begging him to just lay back and allow the snow to bury him. You made your bed, die in it, Steve internally mused.

"Need a hand?" A gruff voice questioned, extending a large hand to Steve.

Tipping his head back, Steve found the person he expected least to be there on that snowy morning: Brock.

Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Steve glanced over at Bucky. Bucky had called himself gregarious. Corrected Steve even. But watching the way that Bucky was acting with Bridgette, Steve knew that he was right. Bucky Barnes was a flirt.

So, Steve took a hold of Brock's hand and allowed the larger boy to pull him out of the snow. Looking up at Brock, Steve mentally noted all the differences between the two brunets, and settled himself by focusing on one main difference: Brock's caramel eyes.

Those dark eyes flicked down, causing Steve to direct his gaze down as well. Only to realize that they were still holding hands. Steve's cheeks reddened as he dropped Brock's large hand. Of course, that didn't stop the arrogant grin that tugged at Brock's usually smug expression.

"I, uh," Steve started, pushing his damp, blond hair off his face, "I, uh, wasn't expecting... you... to be, uh, here."

"Yeah," Brock averted his gaze and shoved his hands into his pockets. Bashful, that was how Brock was acting.

Intrigued, Steve asked, "What?"

Brock's cheeks were turning pink as he admitted, "Nat said that she was coming, so then Bridgette decided that she was going to too since they're roommates, and so I... tagged... along."

"Oh," Steve lamely replied. Steve scoffed at himself and amended, "I mean, I'm... glad."

Snapping his attention back to Steve, Brock seemed genuinely surprised as he asked, "You are?"

Yikes, maybe Steve should've used a different word. After all, Steve didn't want to lead anyone on. Especially since Steve was suspecting that he was experiencing that very scenario.

Nevertheless, Steve didn't know how to dissuade the muscular boy though. Discreetly, Steve glanced over at Bucky. A bolt of adoration passed through Steve when he noticed that Bucky was already looking at him from over Bridgette's head. Once Bucky's gaze locked with Steve's, Bucky arched his brows readily.

Feeling Brock eyeballing him, Steve took in a deep breath and looked back up at the muscular boy. Brock was apprehensively watching Steve, causing Steve to nervously avert his gaze. Choosing to be kind, Steve straightened his shoulders and met Brock's eyes, "Yeah, I am."

"Okay," Brock smiled, briefly looking down. Clearly beaming as he said, "Cool."

Steve blinked his eyes rapidly, wondering if he had done the right thing.

"Can we please go inside?" Natasha asked, looking around at the group.

Sam was shaking out snow from his jacket, but still managed to gaze fondly at his laughing girlfriend. Kristin paused her teasing to ask, "Hot cocoa time?"

"It better be!" Sam replied, feigning bitterness.

"What do you say?" Brock asked Steve, a hopeful glint in his caramel eyes.

Before Steve could answer, Bucky called out, "Stevie!" Redirecting his gaze, Steve looked over at Bucky. There was a large smile on his stupidly handsome face and he tilted his head in the direction of the dorm, "Ya comin'?"

Steve knew that there was no way that he could ever deny Bucky. Especially not when he noticed Bridgette heading into the building while Bucky stood there, waiting for him. Maybe Steve had jumped too quickly at his earlier assumption. A flash of admiration washed over him and he simply nodded his confirmation.

Starting to walk over to Bucky, Steve noticed that Brock had fallen into step beside him. Briefly, Steve wondered how to let down the boy gently. Steve had never been in this type of situation before. And it didn't take him long to realize that he didn't like it as much as he once might've thought.

Once the pair had reached Bucky, Bucky took his place next to Steve. It felt so natural. Steve wondered if Bucky could feel it. Chancing a glance, Steve's whole body warmed, finding Bucky looking down at him. Affectionately, Bucky winked, as though he was silently confirming Steve's optimism.

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now