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Once dressed, Steve and Bucky settled on the futon again. Both satisfied and tied over for the moment, which allowed the duo to contently cuddle up to one another. With Bucky's head resting on Steve's shoulder and Steve's arm wrapped around Bucky's torso.

It was all that Steve had ever wanted. More than Steve could've ever hoped for. And Steve had absolutely no qualms of simply enjoying the moment. Even if Steve was half-convinced that Bucky was only using him to avoid watching the scary movie. The way that Bucky jumped and cowered into Steve's side only cemented the idea.

"We can watch something else, you know," Steve softly informed Bucky, sweetly rubbing his hand along Bucky's back.

"No, it's okay," Bucky reassured. However, Bucky jumped just like the movie makers intended, and he buried his face in Steve's frail chest.

"Buck," Steve chuckled. Giving the frightened brunet a comforting squeeze, Steve stated, "C'mon. We don't have to watch this."

Bucky tilted his head up, so he could look up at Steve. Evaluating the petite blond's expression, Bucky decided on, "No. We can watch this."

As Bucky re-situated himself, Steve good-naturedly accused, "But you're not even watching."

"So?" Bucky scoffed, looking up at Steve again.

"So," Steve prompted, "Why put on a movie that you know you're not going to enjoy?"

Bucky shrugged and averted his gaze as he quietly admitted, "Scary movies are a good excuse to get close to someone."

A chuckle bubbled up from Steve's stomach and, despite his best efforts, Steve wasn't able to contain the laughter. Bucky fondly watched Steve, and eventually Steve's laughter died down. The smile stayed on Steve's face as he said, "I don't think we need any excuses anymore."

Reaching up, Bucky caressed Steve's jawline before the brunet finally let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god. I hate horror movies."

Incredulously, Steve protested, "But you're the one who suggested --"

"I know," Bucky said, standing from his seat to change out the movies. With a shrug, Bucky confessed, "I can handle the older ones. Those aren't too scary. The newer ones though..."

"Why didn't you say that?" Steve asked, with furrowed brows and a small, amused smile on his face.

Taking his seat beside Steve, Bucky shrugged again and kept his gaze on his lap as he disclosed, "You like them."

Butterflies fluttered around inside of Steve's stomach and his heart fluttered in his chest. Bucky purposely arranged a movie day with movies that Bucky didn't even like all for Steve. For Steve. Bucky did that. If Steve still had any doubts about Bucky liking him, he didn't anymore.

To show just how much he appreciated the gesture, Steve surged forward, pressing his lips to Bucky's again. Though, not nearly as frantic as their earlier activities had been. Still, it was nice.

"I like kissing you," Steve said around Bucky's lips.

"Good," Bucky smirked into the kiss, "I like kissing you too."

As Bucky snaked his hand up to tangle in Steve's short blond hair, there was a knock at the door. Steve audibly sighed, annoyed, and pulled back. Bucky, however, didn't remove his hand from the back of Steve's head and instead leaned in to press another kiss to Steve's lips.

Although Steve knew that one of them should open the door, he couldn't help but be overjoyed that Bucky didn't want to part just as much as he didn't want to. Of course, the knocking continued and Steve assumed, "The delivery guy's going to leave..."

Reluctantly, Bucky removed his fingers from Steve's hair and went to stand up. Steve, reached up and pulled Bucky in for one last kiss though. Surprising and delighting the brunet before finally letting him get the door with a cocky smirk on his handsome face.

Opening the door, Bucky greeted the delivery person like an old friend, "Hey!"

"Hey!" The delivery person replied with the same amount of enthusiasm, "I didn't know this was your dorm. I would've most definitely thrown in some complimentary donuts."

Steve's ears perked at the friendly female's voice. Perhaps Bucky actually did know the delivery person. Especially when Bucky told her, "Oh, you don't have to do that for little ol' me."

And although he and Bucky had spent the entire day wrapped up in each other, Steve couldn't help the pang of self-doubt that shot through his petite body. It was odd. Before Bucky, Steve would've never considered himself to be a jealous person. But now...?

In hopes of sending the delivery girl on her way, Steve stood from the futon. When Bucky tipped his head back to laugh at whatever the girl had said, a chill shot right through Steve. Steve straightened his shoulders though. Exuding confidence despite the contrary.

Taking his place slightly behind Bucky, off to the side, Steve wasn't sure what to say. The girl spotted him first, however. With a friendly smile on her face, she greeted Steve, "Hey."

"Hi," Steve shyly replied, eyes subtly roaming over the busty blonde at the door.

"I'm Stephanie," the girl introduced herself.

"Right," Bucky snapped out of the little moment and situated the bag of food to the hand furthest away from Steve. Using his now free hand, Bucky clapped his hand onto Steve's shoulder. Introducing the smaller boy, "This is Steve."

"Wait," Stephanie's grin grew as a flash of recognition crossed her expression. Excited, she looked between Steve and Bucky, "The artist?"

Steve's brows furrowed and he turned his gaze to Bucky. A beautiful pink tinted Bucky's cheeks as he nodded his confirmation, "Yup."

"Oh my gosh," Stephanie gushed. Which caused Bucky's blush to darken.

Consciously keeping his gaze off Steve, Bucky pulled out his wallet and handed the girl the amount needed to cover the bill along with enough for a hefty tip. Steve was amused and intrigued. Especially when Bucky practically closed the door in her face in his haste.

Steve felt like he could fly in that moment and he said, "She seems nice."

"She is," Bucky confirmed, unpacking the Chinese food.

Graciously taking the container that Bucky handed to him, Steve attempted to hide his smirk, but it was useless. Steve tried to seem nonchalant as he asked, "How do you two know each other?"

"We have calculus together," Bucky answered, taking his seat next to Steve on the futon. Chancing a glance at Steve, Bucky noticed the giddy expression on Steve's face and smirked, "What?"

Briefly biting on his lower lip, Steve replied, "You talk about me?"

Bucky's expression softened as he sincerely conceded, "Of course. I'm crazy about you."

It was Steve's turn to blush now. Not even averting his gaze would help. The blush spreading down his neck and to the tips of his ears. All Steve could do was attempt to keep his smile small. Realistically, that didn't seem likely. So, Steve raised his hands to cover his face. Hoping to recover some of his dignity.

Giddily, Bucky leaned in close and pressed a kiss to Steve's temple before teasing, "If I tell you how cute you are when you blush, will you share your dumplings with me?"

"Oh my god," Steve good-humoredly scoffed. Peeking through his fingers at Bucky, Steve was met with Bucky smiling affectionately at him.

Yup, Steve thought, Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now