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"And here's Steve's little tushy," Sarah cooed, looking fondly at the picture of a naked baby Steve.

"Aww," Bucky crooned down at the photo. Turning his attention from baby Steve to embarrassed Steve, and then back down to the picture.

It had been Sarah's idea. After they ate, the trio settled into the living room, ready to watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Steve had settled into a false sense of security. Actually allowing himself to believe that Sarah wasn't going to embarrass him.

Of course, Steve should've known better. Especially when Steve knew just how much his mother enjoyed showing off his baby pictures. On multiple occasions, Sarah had deemed Steve to be the, "cutest baby she's ever seen." So, Steve really should've seen this coming.

"I know I may be biased," Sarah started, flipping the page in the photo album. Revealing more pictures of Steve in different stages of his early life, Sarah declared, "But Steve really was the cutest baby I've ever seen."

"I don't think you're biased at all," Bucky conceded, "He really was the cutest baby."

Not for the first time, Steve was sure that Sarah and Bucky were conspiring to see who could embarrass Steve the most. So far, it was a tie.

"Oh, shoot," Sarah sighed, glancing up at the clock. She pushed the photo album off her lap and stood from her seat on the sofa. Slipping on her plain orthopedic sneakers, Sarah told Bucky, "It was nice to meet you. I hope to see you soon."

"Me too, ma'am," Bucky agreed with a charming grin.

As Sarah straightened out her Thanksgiving themed scrubs, Steve stood from his seat, so he could give his mom a hug. A much needed hug. It had only been a few months, but it had felt much longer. Once Steve's arms were wrapped around Sarah's torso, he didn't want to let go.

But Steve knew that he had to let go. Reluctantly, Steve removed his arms from around Sarah's petite frame. Of course, Sarah wasn't ready for the hug to be over either and she pulled Steve back in for another hug. Sure, it was brief, but it was enough to tide Steve over until the next time he came home.

"Be good," Sarah told Steve, tilting his head down so she could place a kiss on his forehead. Pulling on her jacket, she reminded Steve, "Remember to lock up when you leave."

"Okay," Steve nodded, confirming.

"Bye, sweetie," Sarah told Bucky, wavy at him on her way towards the door. Once she was out of Bucky's eyesight, she made sure that she had Steve's attention and she mouthed, "Be safe."

Instantly Steve's face started turning red. If Bucky and Sarah were in a competition to see just who could make Steve blush the most, Sarah just won.

"Is this your dad?" Bucky softly questioned from his spot on the sofa, immediately regaining Steve's attention.

"Um," Steve took his seat next to Bucky. Getting a better look at the photo, Steve confirmed, "Yeah, that's him."

Picking up on the solemn tone in Steve's voice, Bucky knew that something bad must've happened to him. They had never discussed this before. Steve had never talked about losing his father with anyone really. Well, except for the school counselor. But that was only because Steve kept ending up in fights and the school tried to claim that Steve was a troublemaker. Or worse, that he was acting out to get attention.

The pair looked over the photo in silence. Steve's dad, Joseph, had been fairly young when he passed. Only being in his early-thirties when he suffered a brain aneurysm. One moment, they were jovially making pancakes with Steve mixing the batter and Joseph showing off as he expertly flipped the flapjacks high in the air. Then the next, Joseph was on the ground.

Steve didn't remember much after that. He remembered Sarah running into the kitchen, but he didn't remember screaming for her. He remembered Sarah kneeling on the kitchen floor by Joseph's unresponsive body performing CPR until the emergency services came, but he didn't remember calling 911. He didn't remember Joseph being taken away in an ambulance, but he remembered the tile floor stained by Joseph's blood and the stench from the burning pancakes.

"You okay?" Bucky softly questioned while he intently watched Steve.

"Yeah," Steve nodded, but his eyes were still on the photo of Joseph.

Bucky turned his gaze back to the photo then. While his eyes roamed over the gangly man with sandy hair, Bucky smiled, "You look like him."

Lifting his eyes, Steve studied Bucky's fond expression before leaning in and pressing an affectionate kiss to Bucky's soft lips. Reaching up, Steve cupped Bucky's face in his hand. Not deepening the kiss. Not trying to get lost in Bucky's body and the pleasure he wanted to give him. Just glad that Bucky was there.

"Thank you," Steve said, resting his forehead against Bucky's.

Bucky softly chuckled and ran his hand up Steve's thigh until he could hold Steve's waist. With an adoring grin, Bucky told Steve, "You don't have to thank me."

Steve nuzzled further into Bucky and said, "I'm thankful for you."

"C'mon," Bucky good-naturedly scoffed. Bucky pulled his face back to study Steve. He must've realized just how genuine Steve was being because his own expression softened in his own sincerity. Sliding his hand around Steve's neck, tangling his fingers in Steve's blond hair, Bucky pulled Steve in for another kiss.

Melting into the kiss, Steve allowed himself to get lost in Bucky's affection. Especially once Bucky pulled back from the kiss to tell Steve, "I'm thankful for you too."

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now