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It was starting to become an issue.

The more time that Steve spent with Bucky, the more absolutely and un-fucking-deniably attractive the brunet became. Like how Bucky would toss his head back and clutch his stomach as he laughed loudly at a lame pun. Or the way that Bucky locked eyes with Steve; truly lighting him up. Then there were all the small glances that included Steve and allowed Steve to genuinely feel like he was a part of their group of friends.

Not to mention how Bucky helped others. With understanding the material that was taught in class. With someone's items after they had been dropped. Or steadying someone after they tripped.

It was too much for Steve.

Every day it got worse. And there didn't seem to be anything that Steve could do about it. The more time that Steve spent with Bucky, the more he fell for him.

It just wasn't fair!

It probably also didn't help that he, for the first time in his life, was sharing his personal space with someone. Which only fueled his paranoia and caused Steve to try and quickly get himself off in the shower while trying to seem unsuspecting to Sam. Steve was sure that Sam wouldn't be too weirded out with the natural aspect which was masturbation, but it was the courteous thing to do, in Steve's mind, to keep that part of his life to himself.

Admittedly, Steve was ecstatic to hear that Sam was going to be staying with his mom for the weekend. Something about a birthday party for his cousin, but Steve had zoned out after hearing how he would have the dorm to himself. All the possibilities of what he could do clouded his brain.

Friday, after Sam's last class, he went directly to catch the subway to Harlem. At first, Steve wasn't sure what to do. He could walk around naked. He could dance around while singing into a hairbrush. He could jerk off in bed and actually take his time.

The possibilities were seemingly endless. However, the latter was deemed the most intriguing.

So, Steve reclined back on his bed and lightly ran his hand down his chest, over the jut of his ribs, dipping into the hollow of his stomach until finally reaching the hem of his jeans. Undoing the button and effortlessly pulling down the zipper, Steve tugged down his jeans until they rested mid-thigh and pulled his half-hard dick out of the confining material of his cotton boxer briefs.

With a feather-light touch, Steve caressed his cock with his fingertips. Once at the head, Steve gathered the beads of pre-come and circled his delicate member as he spread the slick down himself. Letting out a soft moan, Steve tipped his head back while arching his back.

Taking the time to leisurely stroke his eager prick, Steve could imagine Bucky's hand. The one time that they had accidentally brushed their hands along one another gave Steve the knowledge that Bucky had rough hands. Rough like he was used to manual labor. That thought alone caused Steve's breath to hitch as he visualized what it would feel like on his cock.

Ever so slightly, Steve thrust his hips up, erotically forcing his dick through the gentle ring of his fingers. Although Steve's fingers weren't the right texture, Steve had an overactive imagination.

Oh, god, Steve thought as he pictured what Bucky's naturally red lips would look like stretched around him. Breathing erratic, Steve was sure that if that vision ever came true that he would simply die. It would be way too much.

The way that Bucky's cheeks would hollow as he sucked up to the tip, tonguing the slit. Fondling his balls, Steve could only assume that Bucky would be the type to tease. Captivated by the thought that Bucky would probably bring him to the edge before pulling off and giving kitten licks, just to fully mess with Steve. Steve's movements quickened as he felt his release nearing.

Just then, the door opened, and in Steve's orgasmic haze, he heard a familiar voice quickly declare, "Oh, fuck!  I'm sorry!"

Out of breath, Steve opened his eyes and directed his attention to the door. Only then did it dawn on Steve that the voice belonged to Bucky. Steve immediately felt embarrassed. His crush -- the most perfect man in the universe -- had walked in on Steve while he jerked off to the fantasy created with him in mind.

"Oh, god," Steve declared, covering his face with his hands as he wished the ground would open up and swallow him whole.

Completely embarrassed, Steve rushed to clean up the mess of his come on his abdomen. As Steve tucked his softening prick back into his jeans, Steve tugged down his rucked up shirt and headed over to the door. A part of Steve was thrilled about hopefully finding Bucky waiting outside of his dorm. Another part told Steve to avoid Bucky like the plague.

Taking in a calming breath, Steve pulled the door open. Standing opposite of Steve and Sam's dorm, Bucky looked terribly sheepish as he furiously texted someone. When Bucky noticed Steve, both of their faces were red.

"Um, Sam said that you had class and that I could let myself in to get my charger," Bucky briskly explained, showing Sam's keys in his hand.

"Oh," Steve nodded, consciously avoiding looking at Bucky. Holding the door open in a silent offer for Bucky to enter, the brunet took Steve up on it. Steve felt the necessity to clarify, "My lecture was canceled today."

"Oh," Bucky nodded, heading over to Sam's desk where Bucky's phone charger was. Keeping his attention on the charger, Bucky told Steve, "I'll see you around," before leaving the dorm room.

Sitting down on the edge of his bed, Steve held his face in his hands. There was no doubt that the embarrassment was equally awful. And Steve wasn't sure how he'd be able to show his face on Tuesday for their History of Western Art. Yet, that was the most powerful orgasm Steve had ever had.

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now