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"Do you want to continue the movie?" Bucky asked, busying himself with tying his pajama pants.

On unsteady feet, Steve stood from the futon. As he held onto Bucky's bunk, Steve asked, "You sure you want me to stay?"

"Of course," Bucky scoffed, as though Steve was insane for even suggesting otherwise. Amending, "Unless you don't want to."

Not wanting to sound too eager, Steve averted his gaze and answered, "I think it would be best if I stayed."

"Great," Bucky smiled and joined Steve next to his bunk. With a quirked brow, Bucky noticed the difficulty that Steve was having changing out of his jeans, and Bucky asked, "Do you need some help?"

Instantly snapping his gaze up to Bucky, Steve was sure that there was absolutely no way that Bucky just said those words in regards to undressing himself. Yet, there they were and Bucky seemed completely sincere.

Swallowing thickly while also trying not to think about how erotic the whole situation could be, Steve declined, "Thanks, but I've got it."

"Okay," Bucky stated, holding his hands up in mock surrender before ducking and sitting back down on futon.

Considering Steve was holding on to the bunk directly in front of the futon, Steve felt a bit self-conscious. There were seemingly a million ways that this could go. Steve shook his head, trying to keep his imagination at bay as he swiftly undid his jeans and tugged them down one-armed.

Losing his balance as he tried to pull on the soft flannel pajama pants, Steve was entirely surprised to feel Bucky's hands on his hips to steady him. With wide eyes in surprise, Steve looked down at Bucky, who simply smirked and told him, "Easy there, Stevie."

Almost dropping to the ground from being so stunned, Steve was glad to have Bucky's large hands on his hips. Of course, Steve didn't imagine there'd be a moment when he wasn't glad to have Bucky's calloused hands on his body. In one way or another, it was the best thing to ever happen to Steve.

Once Bucky was sure that Steve could balance himself just fine, he grabbed the hem of the pajama pants and pulled them the rest of the way up. Smiling up at Steve, Bucky exclaimed, "There. All done."

"Th-thanks," Steve stuttered out, still using the bunk's beams to help him as he took his seat next to Bucky.

Although there was plenty of room since they were the only ones there, the pair still sat close to one another. The air wasn't tense, per se. But it most definitely had energy. Charged. Steve swore that the hair on the back of his neck was standing up.

Keeping his face forward, Steve glanced out of the corner of his eye to see if Bucky felt it too. But Bucky just kept his gaze on the TV. So, Steve decided to focus on the movie as well. Even though he had seen the movie so many times that he knew when death was going to strike and in which way the characters were going to die.

Then, it happened.

With their arms resting beside one another's. Steve felt Bucky's pinky finger brush against his. For a moment, Steve was sure that he had just imagined the movement. Or that it had been an accident. Yet...

Bucky's pinky finger caressed Steve's before it overlapped Steve's smallest finger altogether. Steve's heart was racing and his breathing hitched. Steve wasn't sure what to do. He hadn't prepared for something like this to happen.

Steve felt as though his brain had short-circuited and he blinked rapidly in hopes that he'd be able to think clearly. In hopes that, if this was a dream, he'd wake up. When Bucky's finger linked with Steve's, however, it became apparent that this was, in fact, happening.

Silently, Bucky started moving his hand until his palm was on top of Steve's hand. Covering it almost completely. Steve glanced at Bucky out of the corner of his eyes. Steve's heart stuttered when he noticed that Bucky was already looking at him.

Despite Steve having many, many dreams about this type of scenario, he was entirely unprepared to actually be in this kind of situation. To actually have Bucky making a move? To have Bucky looking at Steve like he shared the exact same feelings as him? It was so much for Steve.  Too much for Steve.

Quietly, Bucky asked, "Is this okay?"

Is this okay?


Steve swallowed thickly and nodded before stupidly replying, "Yeah, I hold hands with all my friends."

Bucky chuckled at that and removed his hand from Steve's. Breaking Steve's poor, fragile heart in one swooping moment. Although, Steve was shocked when Bucky slid his hand under Steve's and laced their fingers together.

"Then, we better do it properly," Bucky softly reasoned.

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now