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It was a weird night. That was certain. Not only had Steve briefly imagined himself actually giving Brock a chance. Allowing himself to find some comfort that Brock could possibly be good for him. If only for his own lonely heart's sake. But then, Steve had ended the night with Bucky.

Nothing too overtly obvious, to Steve's chagrin. No, for the most part, Steve wasn't sure about anything. Just as Bucky seemed to like things, Steve reasoned with himself. Because Steve seemed just as perplexed by Bucky as any other time.

This time, however, their hands were intertwined and Bucky was rubbing soothing circles on the back of Steve's hand with the rough pad of his thumb. Briefly, Steve thought about questioning Bucky. But every time that Steve attempted to force out the words, what is this? What does it mean? Do you like me? Is this a date? Is this serious? Are you interested in me? Steve lost his nerve.

Which wasn't like Steve at all.

Steve was bullheaded and stubborn as all hell. He picked fights and finished fights. Always being led by what was right and just in his book. Just the way that his mother had raised him. Steve wasn't one to run away or to cowardly keep his mouth shut.

But just like Halloween -- and many other instances besides that one glorious evening -- Steve found himself clamming up. Unable and unwilling to chance it. All because he didn't want to lose Bucky.

Sitting there now, Steve could feel the words bubbling up inside of him. Like a shook soda can that waits to explode. All Steve had to do was ask Bucky. Ask him what this was. What it could be. What they were. What Bucky wanted. There was so much that Steve desperately wanted to know.

When Bucky jumped at the movie though and tightened his grasp on Steve's hand while cowering towards the petite blond, Steve couldn't bring himself to do it. Couldn't bring himself to ruin this perfect moment.

Especially not once the movie had ended and Bucky suggested, "Wanna sleep together?"

Snapping his jaw closed, so it wouldn't fall open in shock again, Steve pressed his lips together and turned his gaze to Bucky. Steve's eyes were wide. Never did Steve think that Bucky would offer something so tantalizing. Not like that, at least.

Hell, Steve felt like he could come right then and there with those words.

"Or I could just sleep down here on the futon," Bucky amended. Clearly judging Steve's expression and body language, and trying to make Steve as comfortable as possible. Bucky averted his gaze and, with his free hand, scratched the back of his neck as he sheepishly confessed, "I just always get freaked out after horror movies."

Not sure why Bucky had suggested they watched those movies, if he knew --

Steve's heart stuttered in his chest. What if Bucky had planned this? Planned for them to get cozy on the futon and cuddle throughout the night. No, Steve couldn't imagine Bucky doing that. After all, they had been on a double date. Bucky had been the unflinching one while Bridgette cowered intimately into his neck.

Of course, Bucky had seemed more focused on other things rather than the movie. But Steve had just assumed that Bucky was paying attention to Bridgette. Had Bucky actually been focused on Steve?

Was that the real reason why Bucky didn't seem fazed when Bridgette suggested that she and Brock leave?

"Okay," Steve finally agreed. When Bucky still didn't look all that convinced by Steve's statement, Steve fixed a small grin on his face. Trying to silently reassure Bucky.

With an easy grin that matched Steve's, Bucky confirmed, "Okay," and gave Steve's hand a brief squeeze.

Walking around to the end of the bed, Bucky lifted his leg, resting his foot on the rung and paused. Briefly internally debating something, Bucky looked at Steve. The clear mischief in that sole expression was enough to get Steve's heart racing.

"Are you going to need a boost?" Bucky asked. If it wasn't for the cocky smirk, Steve would've taken him as genuine.

"Thanks," Steve deadpanned, "But I think I can manage just fine."

Bucky arched his brow and gestured for Steve to climb up first. Puffing his chest out, Steve tried to make himself seem larger. Confident. Anything in hopes of making himself seem more desirable.

Only once Steve was climbing up the rungs did a brief thought flitter through Steve's mind: what if Bucky is checking out your ass? Steve's breath paused and as he placed his knee on the bed, he discreetly looked over at Bucky. Bucky's eyes were on Steve, that was certain, but there was no way of knowing if Bucky had been, in fact, checking him out.

But Steve could always dream, right?

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now