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Steve wasn't sure if Bucky was cowering into his neck because he was truly afraid of the scenes onscreen or because he was trying to distract Steve from enjoying the movie. Occasionally, Bucky's lips ghosted along the delicate column of Steve's neck, causing Steve to absolutely lose his mind with his arousal while desperately trying to control himself.

Nuzzling his face into the crook of Steve's neck, Bucky pressed in even closer. Seemingly just wanting to cuddle up to Steve as Bucky turned his head to face the TV in front of them. Allowing Steve to relax and try to calm himself as they both watched the movie in silence.

However, once the possessed character hopped on top of one of the other characters and vomited on the character, Bucky hid his face in Steve's neck again. With his face in Steve's neck, Bucky softly muttered, "That is so gross."

Feeling Bucky's breath fan across his neck, Steve let out a shiver that he disguised as a chuckle. Teasing Bucky, "What? Too much for you?"

At that, Bucky playfully pinched at Steve's side, making the smaller boy squirm at the sensation while Bucky pouted, "No. It's just gross."

"I guess it's a good thing we waited to order food, huh," Steve giggled.

"That's for sure," Bucky agreed, peeking at the screen. Once he deemed the coast to be clear, Bucky relaxed once again just in time to watch the possessed character disappear into the cellar.

Half wanting to comfort Bucky and half just feeling like it, Steve gave Bucky's hand a soothing squeeze. Which Bucky seemed thoroughly grateful for. Even returning the gesture by rubbing soft circles into the back of Steve's hand. It was enough to distract Steve from the actions of the characters, causing both boys to jump at the movie.

Steve's heart thudded harshly in his chest while Bucky loudly chuckled from beside him. Playfully rolling his eyes, Steve swatted at Bucky when Bucky pinched at his side again. Steve could feel Bucky's breath against his neck once again as Bucky's chuckles turned quieter, causing Steve to involuntarily let out a shudder.

As the movie continued, and more characters became possessed, the more Steve wanted the movie to just finish already. Considering Bucky was cuddled up close to Steve, Steve just wanted to turn into the brunet and tease him the way that Bucky had been tempting him throughout the entire film. Especially with Bucky's lips pressing softly against Steve's neck whenever he hid his face from the screen.

When the movie finally ended. Finally. Steve couldn't help but let out a sigh of utmost relief as Bucky climbed off the futon to change the movies. Bucky quirked a curious brow at Steve, but decided against speaking on it. Instead, focusing on his task at hand.

Once the discs were changed out, Bucky joined Steve on the futon again. Leaning over, Bucky opened the mini fridge to retrieve a couple of drinks and asked Steve, "Do you want som-- oof."

Steve didn't give Bucky any time at all. Climbing on top of Bucky's lap, straddling the brunet and pressing his lips to Bucky's. Not that Bucky seemed to mind though. In fact, Bucky seemed thoroughly pleased by the current position that they were in and had no qualms about kissing Steve right back.

"It's about time," Bucky commented around Steve's lips while Bucky slid his hands around to grope at Steve's bum. "I was waiting --" kiss "-- for you --" another kiss "-- to pick up on --"

"I'm not good at picking up hints," Steve admitted, snaking his hands around the back of Bucky's neck.

"Yeah, I know," Bucky softly chuckled.

Steve smirked, "Then, why didn't you do anything?"

Bucky shrugged, "You seemed to be enjoying the movie."

"We could've paused it," Steve suggested, briefly deepening the kiss before stating, "Or watched it later."

"Didn't think about it," Bucky honestly answered.

Just then, Steve dropped his hips and both boys moaned at the delicious sensation. Bucky ran his hands up Steve's back, pulling him flush against his own body. Cementing, in Steve's mind, that every time he made out with Bucky was sure to be, somehow, better than the last. Which Steve wasn't certain just how that was possible, but couldn't deny that it seemed to be just that.

Especially when Steve felt Bucky's cock hardening beneath him with every downward motion. It would've been enough alone to cause Steve's own dick to become more erect. Clearly neither minding much, and both delighting with how much they wanted each other.

"Fuck," Bucky groaned out, pulling back from Steve. Resting his head on the back of the futon, Bucky attractively bit his kiss-swollen lower lip as he closed his eyes. Fully enjoying the movement.

Still wanting to feel Bucky beneath his lips, Steve leaned forward and started trailing tantalizing open mouthed kisses down Bucky's exposed neck. Continuing to drop his hips against Bucky's, Steve was absolutely living for Bucky's moans. Wishing to hear as many of them as he possibly could, and willing to do whatever necessary to keep them going.

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now