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After the hot chocolate was made and distributed among  one another, the group got cozy around the TV. Comforters and pillows were thrown on the floor, allowing everyone to lounge about. Sam sat, leaning against the futon with Kristin in between his legs, resting easily against his strong chest like Sam was her very own chair. Snagging the futon for themselves, Natasha sat with Clint's head in her lap.

Leaving Bucky, Steve, and Brock to take up other spots. With Steve quite literally in between the two brunets. Just like the previous night. Which Steve really didn't want to think about. Well, everything before, he wanted to forget. But everything that happened after Brock and Bridgette left; Steve wanted to remember those moments forever.

Steve shivered at the memories. And the wet dreams that were sure to ensue for the next foreseeable future. Noticing Steve shiver, Bucky turned his concerned gaze to the blond while asking, "You okay?"

Blushing, Steve bashfully stuttered, "Ye-yeah."

"Are you cold?" Bucky asked, making Steve positively melt. Before Steve could answer, Bucky gestured behind Brock, "Mind handing me that blanket?"

"Sure," Brock readily agreed, passing the fleece blanket over Steve to Bucky.

"Thanks," Bucky smiled and unfolded the blanket, opening it up over himself and Steve. Sincerely, Bucky asked, "Better?"

Steve nodded his confirmation, seemingly pleasing Bucky. When Bucky turned his gaze back to the TV, so did Steve. Although, Steve doubted that Bucky was having as much difficulty on keeping his attention on the current Thanksgiving episode of Bob's Burgers as Steve was.

All Steve could think about was how little space was left between himself and Bucky. It was all entirely, eerily, similar to the previous night. Even, begrudgingly, with Brock occasionally watching him. But Steve really could do without that.

Then, Bucky slid his leg along the length of Steve's. Making sure to rub his socked foot against Steve's socked foot. That movement was more than enough to hold Steve over until they were alone. But Bucky didn't stop there.

Soon enough, Bucky brushed his fingers across the side of Steve's hand. Steve's breath hitched. Out of the corner of Steve's eyes, he spotted Bucky literally biting back his own grin. Playfully rolling his eyes, Steve subtly shook his head, but he couldn't hide his own smile either. Especially not when Bucky took Steve's hand in his and laced their fingers together.

Bucky's calloused hand was warm and while they sat there under the fleece flannel blanket, Steve could feel his hand starting to sweat.  But he knew that he'd rather die than remove his hand from Bucky's.

"Oh, hell no," Bridgette declared, exiting the bathroom.

Steve went rigid beside Bucky. Fearful that Bridgette could tell that they were holding hands. Afraid of what Bridgette would do. After all, she had been Bucky's first date last night. Oh, god, I'm an awful person, Steve internally chastised himself.

"There is no way that I'm sitting on the hard ass floor," Bridgette clarified.

At that, Steve let out a small sigh of relief. Causing Bucky to softly chuckle beside him. In jest, Steve elbowed Bucky, which only made Bucky throw his head back as he laughed louder.

As Steve rolled his eyes, Brock nudged his shoulder against Steve's, gaining Steve's attention. With a confused expression, Brock quietly asked Steve, "What's up with, Barnes?"

Trying to be as nonchalant as possible while also trying not to rouse suspicions, Steve simply shrugged in silent reply. But Steve's never been a good liar, so he's not sure how well Brock believes him. Especially not when Steve starts blushing.

Thankfully though, Brock doesn't question it. Not that Bridgette gives him enough time to as she deliberately takes a step in between the two as she climbs onto the futon. As Bridgette lifts Clint's feet to take a seat, Steve can't help but notice the considerable amount of distance between Brock and himself. A symbolic separation that Steve silently prays Brock will intuitively pick up on.

From beside Steve, Bucky's laughter dies off only to start up again when a joke is told on screen. Steve gives him a fond, amused glance. If the symbolic separation wasn't enough for Brock to pick up on, he's sure that the way he looks at Bucky would be.

Bucky must feel Steve's gaze because he gives Steve's hand a comforting squeeze. Of course, that didn't stop Steve from sweeping his eyes over Bucky's face appreciatively. Steve would like to think that if their dates from the previous night weren't there, he'd have the confidence to snuggle up to Bucky the way that their other friends were cuddling with their significant others.

Wait, Steve paused, his heart stuttering in his chest, is Bucky my boyfriend?

Steve sure hoped that he was. Especially when Bucky looked over at Steve, practically mirroring Steve's adoration with his own.

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now