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"You sure you don't want come up?" Jessica seductively questioned.

Although Steve was completely over the night, he also couldn't help but relate on some level because, he too, didn't want his night with Bucky to end yet either. Of course, Steve was still done with the night and done with Jessica and how handsy she was with Bucky. Didn't she have any dignity?

"Just for a bit?" Jessica pleaded, tugging on Bucky's hand, even though Bucky was pulling away.

Reluctantly, Bucky said, "I can't. I have an early class tomorrow."

That got Steve's attention. Being as close to Bucky as he was, Steve knew that Bucky did not have an early class tomorrow. Steve pressed his lips together as he attempted to not smile at the obvious deceit.

Jessica pouted her lips and tugged on Bucky's hand, trying to get him to follow her into her dormitory. Steve rolled his eyes and considered saying something. Fortunately, Emily declared, "He doesn't want to, so let's go!"

Bucky exchanged a shocked, wide-eyed glance with Steve at the outburst from the girl who had been silent throughout the entire night. Jessica glared at her friend and said, "Don't be rude."

"I'm not being rude," Emily defended herself and gestured to Bucky, "He clearly wants to leave. So, let's go."

Rolling her eyes, Jessica redirected her attention from Emily to Bucky. The way that she was able to go from annoyed to lovestruck, was concerning to Steve. Steve wondered if Bucky recognized it as well.

"You know," Bucky started, removing his hand from Jessica's grasp. He shoved his hands into his pockets and took a step back, "I'll see you later."

"Are you sure?" Jessica pouted.

"Yeah," Bucky assured, and lied again, "I've got an early class tomorrow."

"Okay," Jessica softly stated, clearly upset and not hiding it.  Taking a step towards Bucky, she stood on her tiptoes and pressed a sweet kiss to Bucky's cheek. Jessica requested, "Call me?"

"Of course," Bucky reassured and waved at Emily as he continued walking away.

"It was nice meeting you," Steve told the beautiful duo as he started following Bucky.

"Uh huh," Emily stated, only glancing briefly up from her cellphone.

Although Steve probably should've been bothered by the brushoff, he simply couldn't help but feel relieved that he didn't have to be around someone who clearly wanted nothing to do with him. In fact, he felt downright giddy to have it just be him and Bucky. Just the way that Steve liked it. Too bad he had to go back to --

"Sam said that Kristin is staying the night," Bucky relayed to Steve. As he shoved his phone back into his jeans pocket, Bucky suggested, "Wanna crash at mine?"

Wanna crash at mine?


Steve's brain briefly short-circuited. There was literally nothing more that Steve wanted than to stay with Bucky. To actually see Bucky all sleep-rumpled? Clearly, this was too good to be true!

"Oh-okay," Steve answered, feeling positively light-headed.

"Okay," Bucky smirked, raking his hand through the tousled brown locks. For a moment, the pair simply walked in comfortable silence before Bucky asked, "You wanna get some snacks first?"

"Sure," Steve agreed. To keep himself from smiling too widely, he bit the inside of his cheeks, but Steve was sure that the attempt was futile when Bucky's own smile grew in reply.

So, they headed into a nearby gas station, and started grabbing all the unhealthy snacks that their hearts desired. Even getting a couple of frozen Pepsi's before heading over to the cashier who looked over the two teens as though they were left home alone for the weekend and didn't know what to do with the money that their parents gave them.

Steve reached for his wallet, completely prepared to pitch in when Bucky breezily protested, "Don't worry. I got it."

"You sure?" Steve questioned.

"Yeah," Bucky reassured and paid for their late-night snacks. Steve didn't like handouts; he didn't like to feel like a charity case. Bucky must've been able to sense that because he told Steve, "You can pay next time."

Next time. Steve's heart nearly jumped out of his chest at the possibility that they would have a next time. Sure, Steve and Bucky had become friends over the months, but it still didn't seem completely true for Steve.

Gathering their items and headed towards the residence halls. Bucky took a long, exaggerated sip from his large frozen drink, just to get under Steve's skin. Steve playfully narrowed his eyes at the brunet, but there was no way that Bucky could ever annoy him enough to make him truly angry. Sure enough, the pair broke out into loud laughter.

When they finally reached the building, Bucky held the door open for Steve. Again, that feeling of being on a date with Bucky washed over Steve. That was how people acted on a date, right? Paying for another person? Holding open doors? That's what people on dates did, right?

Steve let out a small sigh. Even he knew that he was reaching with that.

Bucky was polite. That was all it was. All it would ever be. The sooner Steve realized that, the better. Especially since Steve was already crazy in his infatuation.

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now