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Just as Bucky had promised, he had found Steve the "perfect guy". So, Bucky set up a double date for himself, Bridgette, Steve, and the mystery guy of Steve's dreams. Or at least, that was what Bucky had claimed.

Knowing that Bucky had been the only man of Steve's dreams, Steve hadn't been convinced. Not like Steve had told Bucky any differently. Steve didn't want to lose Bucky, after all. Still, Steve wasn't looking forward to this double date any more than the other ones that Bucky had dragged him along to.

"You look great!" Bucky complimented once Steve opened his door.

With a head shake and an eye roll, Steve left the door to pull on his sneakers. Bucky entered the dorm and greeted Sam with a smart remark that caused Steve to discreetly, softly chuckle. The more time that Steve spent with Bucky, the more predictable the brunet became. Well, the more deliciously predictable Bucky became, Steve corrected.

"Seriously though," Bucky continued, "I clearly need to up my game!"

Steve playfully narrowed his eyes at Bucky and teased, "That's it. I change my mind.  I'm not going."

"No," Bucky pathetically pleaded, and Sam loudly chuckled watching the spectacle.

As Bucky grasped onto Steve's forearms, Steve joked, "Nope, I'm staying here."

Bucky pouted his lower lip, and Steve wondered if he was naturally a pushover or if it was only because Bucky looked so cute when he wanted Steve to do something. So, Steve sighed, and Sam playfully demanded, "C'mon, man, you need to grow a spine."

"Dude," Bucky said, playfully scandalized before dramatically lowering his voice, "You're gonna tell a kid with scoliosis to grow a spine."

Steve rolled his eyes, but he couldn't stop the amused smirk from crossing his face. Sam was chuckling, and arguing with Bucky, "Someone's gotta tell him to!"

"Let's go," Steve loudly cut in before Bucky could say anything else on the matter.

"Still, that is just plain --" Bucky interrupted himself to tell Steve, "Wear a jacket, it's cold."

"Yes, sir," Steve mocked, grabbing his coat by the door.

Bucky let out an exaggerated shiver and teased, "You've been reading my diary, I see."

"Dude," Sam sighed and scrubbed his hand over his face. He threatened Bucky, "I swear to god, if I have to hear one more of your sexual fantasies, I'm gonna lose it."

"We're leaving," Steve reassured while Bucky blew Sam a kiss. Steve managed to close the door just in time to miss being hit with a balled up piece of paper.

"You do look nice though," Bucky sincerely complimented. When his grin turned a bit wolfish, Steve's heart stuttered, and Bucky merrily mused, "I think blue is your color."

Steve swallowed thickly and averted his gaze, "Thanks."

"Any time," Bucky said with a friendly pat to Steve's shoulder. Moving his hand, Bucky affectionately cupped the side of Steve's neck before dropping his large, calloused hand all together.

A little shocked by Bucky's action, Steve snapped his gaze to Bucky. Bucky didn't seem to notice though as he shoved his hands into his pockets. This was one of those moments that Steve couldn't quite figure out. Bucky acted like he liked Steve in a more romantic/physical way, but didn't follow through.

Over the months that Steve and Bucky had been friends, Steve had paid close attention to how Bucky acted around others. From what Steve gathered, Bucky was a very tactile person. Bucky had no issue, and showed no hesitancy, with casually draping himself over friends and holding them close. On many occasions, Steve had found Bucky and Clint sprawled across the futon, entirely content, as they watched TV or were on their phones.

So, Steve knew that Bucky was the type who was comfortable with touching others and did so often. But, to Steve, that didn't explain how Bucky seemed to touch him. Bucky seemed to use more care. More affection. Or maybe that was just Steve's wishful thinking. Yet...

The pair walked to the diner in comfortable silence. No, not comfortable. Charged. Yes, they walked in a charged silence. Steve wasn't sure if he was the only one who noticed it. But judging how much Bucky was fidgeting, Steve hoped that was a sign that he felt it too.

When they finally reached the diner, Bucky reached the door first and held the door open for Steve. Again, that strange sensation of them being on a date washed over Steve. Entering the diner first, Steve stood by the doorway, waiting for Bucky.

"So, this guy is supposed to be my soulmate?" Steve asked, pushing his floppy blond hair out of his eyes.

There was a playful smirk tugging at Bucky's deliciously red lips -- like crisp apples in autumn -- and he gave Steve a nonchalant shrug before sheepishly muttering, "I don't know about that."

And despite Steve's best efforts, he couldn't help but take that as Bucky admitting his feelings. Even if it was just Steve really digging to see what he wanted.

So, with a small, intimate smile, Steve followed Bucky through the diner. Steve wasn't sure if their dates were there already, but he really wished that they weren't.

"Bucky," a girl called out.

Steve turned his gaze from Bucky's ass, to look at the girl who was waving Bucky over. Attractive, blonde, Bucky's usual type. Allowing his gaze to drift to the person next to the girl, to his intended date, Steve froze. His eyes widened and his heart dropped into his stomach.

"Bucky," Steve softly demanded, causing the brunet to pause and turn to face Steve.

Once Bucky noticed Steve's rigid stance, his brows furrowed and he backtracked a few steps back to the petite blond. Quietly, he asked, "What?"

Discreetly, Steve glanced around Bucky's arm to look back at the table. Yup, he hadn't just been imaging it. Yes, at least his date was a boy. But holy hell, did he wish that it wasn't Brock.

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now