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Pulling each other flush against one another, Bucky deliciously whimpered at the sensation of them being naked. When their dicks slotted along each other, a shiver erupted from Steve's slender frame. If Steve thought that their other make outs were erotic, he had no idea how good this could feel.

Once the back of Steve's calves hit the mattress, Steve moved to climb onto the bed. Briefly breaking away from the kiss, Steve moved to the center of the bed. Of course, it didn't take Bucky long to eagerly follow. It also didn't take long for Steve to create a space for Bucky between his legs.

Bucky laid his weight on Steve and groaned at the sheer pleasure of it all. Fleetingly Bucky's tongue delved into Steve's mouth before Bucky pulled back to look at Steve. Making eye contact, Bucky's husky voice seductively questioned, "Can I blow you?"

Rapidly Steve's eyes blinked. It felt as though his brain was short-circuiting. Taking in a deep breath to try and ground himself in the moment, Steve ran his hand through his floppy, sweaty blond hair, "Fuck."

Chuckling, Bucky pressed a sweet kiss to the tip of Steve's nose and he asked, "Is that a yes?"

"Fuck, yes," Steve answered, already out of breath, "Yes."

Bucky flashed Steve a mischievous smirk before diving in to leave sensual, hot open-mouthed kisses along Steve's neck. Across Steve's prominent clavicles. Down Steve's bony sternum and taking a moment to pay special attention to Steve's pert nipples.

Sucking one nipple into his mouth while rolling the other between his thumb and index finger, and then switching. Steve's back arched, never realizing just how sensitive his nipples were until that moment. In that moment, Steve couldn't even imagine what Bucky's felt like with the metal barbell pierced through them. But Steve figured that it probably felt like mini-fireworks considering just how his own felt in that moment. Especially when Bucky tenderly used his teeth on the pebbled bud.

Then, Bucky moved even lower. Steve's stomach twitched with each kiss pressed to his skin. Steve was sure that he was going to blow his load before Bucky even got down to it. Which Steve really didn't want to happen.

"Fair warning," Steve rasped. Acknowledging that he was probably blushing all the way down to his navel, Steve ignored his own embarrassment -- and lack of experience -- and told Bucky, "I might not last long."

"Wait," Bucky sat back on his feet, so he could look at Steve. With a shit-eating grin, Bucky asked, "Is this your first blow job?"

Steve chewed on his lower lip and sheepishly confirmed, "Yes."

Bucky's grin grew and he reached up to press a kiss to Steve's lips before moving back down between Steve's legs. Letting his eyes roam over Steve's prick, Bucky glanced back up at Steve to seriously question, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm two-hundred and ten percent positive that I want to do this," Steve sincerely reassured.

"Okay," Bucky stated.

Bucky kissed Steve's left hip and then his right. That alone could've been enough to make Steve come prematurely. Luckily, Bucky didn't waste too much more time teasing Steve though and, thankfully, took the tip of Steve's cock into his mouth.

One of Steve's hands immediately went to Bucky's head while the other tightly gripped the blankets. As Bucky hollowed his cheeks and took Steve's sensitive member further into his mouth, Steve's fingers tangled in Bucky's tousled brown tresses.

"Fuck," Steve rasped, fighting every urge to thrust into Bucky's perfect, wet, hot mouth.

Bucky flicked his tongue over Steve's slit, causing Steve's toes to curl and his thighs to tighten. It was taking everything in Steve to not come. Not yet. Just hold out a little while longer. At least three more bobs.

However, when Bucky tongued at the vein on the underside of Steve's cock, and reached up to fondle Steve's balls, all bets were off. Steve couldn't help himself. He shot his come into Bucky's mouth, sans warning, and let out a deep guttural groan.

Steve's fingers tightened in Bucky's hair, and for a moment, Steve felt as though he could have an asthma attack. Which would really be the worst possible thing to happen in that moment. So, Steve tried to remain calm. Attempted to control the way he was inhaling and exhaling.

"Uh, Steve?" Bucky humbly questioned while he pressed tender kisses along Steve's sensitive length.

It was only then that Steve had enough wits to remember that his grasp on Bucky's head probably wasn't the most comfortable. Immediately, Steve removed his fingers from Bucky's hair and unceremoniously dropped his hand on the mattress beside himself. Still trying to control his breathing, Bucky wasn't making it any easier. Especially not when Bucky started kissing his way up Steve's body.

Once they were face-to-face, the pair exchanged languid kisses with one another. Delicately running hands along each other's skin as they cemented themselves in that moment. It was all Steve could do in that moment until he finally regained his senses.

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now