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Delightfully drunk, Steve and Bucky had their arms wrapped securely around one another as they stumbled down the street together. Bucky was more-so than Steve, but that was entirely beside the point. The two boys made their way over to the residence halls. Steve's not Bucky's. As fate would have it, Natasha found Clint and low-and-behold, the two had hit it off before leaving for Clint and Bucky's dorm.

"Stevie, you're so cool, ya know that?" Bucky slurred as Steve led them into his building.

"Yup, that's me," Steve rolled his eyes and headed over to the elevators.

"No, I mean it," Bucky whined and pulled Steve closer, "You're the coolest. The best!"

"Okay," Steve shushed Bucky as they waited for the elevator to meet them.

Bucky winced, as though he had forgotten to use his inside voice. So, Bucky brought his face to Steve's and, with his mouth close to Steve's ear, he said, "You're the best.  The bestest best.  The bestest bestest best."

Steve could feel Bucky's breath fanning across his skin and a shiver ran down Steve's small, twisted spine.  As they climbed into the elevator, Bucky continued, "I mean it. The best."

"Right," Steve rolled his eyes and scoffed, "The bestest friend ever."

"Exactly," Bucky gleefully stated. Pausing, so they could get off the elevator. As they walked down the hallway to Steve's dorm, Steve was struggling to keep his hold on Bucky. Especially when Bucky started heading over to a bulletin board with neon colored flyers.

Steve wasn't sure how, but he somehow managed to turn Bucky away from the board and continued towards his dorm. Which was a feat of its own. Before Steve could feel too proud of himself however, Bucky started loudly singing.

"'Skinny Marinky Dinky Dink, Skinny Marinky Do, I love you,'" Bucky loudly started as though it was opening night of his Broadway debut.

"Shh," Steve tried to quiet the brunet again, but he wasn't taken seriously because of the smirk on his face.

"'I love you in the morning, And in the afternoon,'" Bucky sang quietly, much to Steve's surprise. However, then Bucky finished loudly, "'I love you in the evening, Underneath the moon!'"

"Bucky," Steve scorned with a soft chuckle, "You gotta keep it down. What are you trying to do? Wake the whole hall?"

Bucky watched Steve for a moment before he slurred, "Man, I love you. You know that? I love you."

Stunned by Bucky's seriousness, Steve looked over at Bucky to find that he was already looking at him. Their faces were close. Closer than Steve had ever been to anyone, let alone Bucky. Especially not Bucky. Steve just looked over at Bucky, trying to gauge how sincere Bucky was being. Because, honestly, this was the best moment in Steve's life.

However true that may have been, it didn't hold a candle to what happened next.

Bucky removed his hand from Steve's shoulder and placed it on the back of Steve's neck. Steve held his breath, trying to contain the shudder that was begging to break free. Patiently, Steve stood there, awaiting Bucky's next move.

Steve had never expected for Bucky to lean in and press his red, red lips to Steve's. Never anticipated Bucky tenderly tangling his fingers in Steve's blond hair. Had never dreamed that any of this was possible. Yet, it was very real and very well happening.

No matter how many dreams Steve had had about this particular moment, Steve realized that his imagination didn't even come close. Bucky's mouth, warm and soft, was hesitant at first. But then, once he realized that Steve wasn't pulling away, Bucky pressed in closer. A sensation as hot as if boiling water was being poured through his veins moved throughout Steve's body.

When Steve brought his hand up to cup the back of Bucky's head, pulling the brunet closer, Bucky let out a small whimper that was so utterly, heartbreakingly attractive that Steve was sure he was going to come in his pants. It also caused Steve's knees to instantly go weak. Luckily, Bucky's other arm was wrapped securely around Steve's waist in a silent reassurance that Steve wasn't going to drop bonelessly to the floor.

Never having been kissed before, Steve wasn't sure if he was doing it right. Or if he was even any good. Judging by the quiet whimpers that occasionally left Bucky's mouth though, Steve could only hope that was a good sign.

Especially when Bucky turned and stumbled before affectionately pushing Steve up against the wall. Hungrily, running his hand down from Steve's neck. Grasping at the petite blond's body, Steve was sure that this was better than any wet dream his imagination could create.

Opening his mouth, Steve let out a small moan of his own and Bucky used the opportunity to slide his tongue into Steve's mouth. Considering the alcohol that both had consumed, Steve assumed that he would taste the lingering beverage. But was thoroughly relieved that he instead tasted the tartness of the candy necklace that one of the girls had given Bucky.

Steve chased the tartness, trying to get to the root of Bucky's true taste. Bucky moaned and pressed in more, until their hips were flushed against one another. When Steve felt the semi that Bucky was currently sporting, Steve knew that nothing could ruin this moment. Until...

"Oh, holy hell."

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now