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Immediately, Steve and Bucky pulled away from each other. Bucky's eyes were wide and for a moment, Steve had the fleeting thought that Bucky had been exaggerating just how drunk he was. Of course, then a dopey smile crossed Bucky's face and he nearly fell when he lost his balance.

Steve attempted to catch Bucky, but there wasn't a likelihood that Steve could hold the brunet's weight. Which brought Steve's attention to the person who had interrupted their kiss: Sam.

Sam looked utterly embarrassed for witnessing Steve and Bucky's drunken make out session. Wrapping his arm securely around Bucky's waist to keep him up-right, Sam apologized to Steve, "Sorry, man."

"Always cockblocking me," Bucky slurred. That dopey grin still on his stupidly handsome face.

"How much did you two drink?" Sam questioned as Steve unlocked their dorm room. Sam practically carried Bucky into the room, "Seriously, you both reek."

"I don't know," Steve sheepishly admitted, waiting for Sam's girlfriend, Kristin to enter the dorm first.

Closing the door behind them, Kristin crossed the room to Sam's bed. As Sam eased Bucky onto Steve's bed, Kristin playfully grasped Sam's ass, causing Sam to jerk in surprise. Sam playfully narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend before turning his attention to Steve. With arched brows, Sam gestured for Steve to go into the bathroom.

By Sam's expression alone, Steve knew that he wanted to talk. So, Steve headed into the bathroom. His anxiety was at its peak. Steve wasn't sure if Sam was going to be disgusted. Or angry. Or a combination of the two. All Steve knew was that he didn't want this to ruin the friendship that they had built.

Sam closed the door and quietly said, "Dude, what was that?"

Steve shrugged, "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Sam asked with comically wide eyes.

"I don't know," Steve repeated. He ran his hand through his floppy blond hair and relayed, "We left the party and suddenly Bucky was super affectionate, and then we were kissing."

Since moving in together, Steve had known that Sam was a good listener. But when he just stood there for a silent moment, Steve wished that for once, Sam wasn't such. Steve held his breath as he waited for Sam to say something. Anything. Especially as Sam studied Steve.

"You like Bucky?" Sam questioned. Steve mutely nodded his confirmation and Sam sighed. Which was never a good reaction in Steve's experience. Sam leaned against the sink and scrubbed his hand over his face.

Steve felt entirely guilty. Whether he initiated the kiss or not didn't matter to Steve. He felt sick. He felt like he was going to be sick. Apologizing, Steve told Sam, "I'm sorry. If you, if you want... I'll... I'll check into getting another --"

"Don't be so dramatic," Sam deadpanned. Crossing his arms along his chest, Sam assured Steve, "I'm not mad at you."

"Really?" Steve asked, hoping that Sam wasn't messing with him. Even though Sam wasn't the type to mess with someone like this, Steve was always cautious.

"Of course," Sam reassured. However, Sam still looked beside himself. He took off the fake black frame glasses that he had worn for his Squints costume. Then, Sam stated, "I'm worried for you."

"Worried?" Steve questioned, his brows furrowing.

"Yeah, man," Sam scoffed. He shrugged, "I love Bucky and all, like a brother, but..."

"But," Steve prompted, holding his breath.

"Bucky's a flirt," Sam quietly stated. He was intently watching Steve as he clarified, "He likes to play it fast and loose, and I'd hate for you to think that it's more serious than it -- more than likely -- is."

Averting his gaze to his hands, Steve asked, "You don't think he likes me?"

"No," Sam declared and Steve snapped his gaze to Sam. Sam amended, "That's not what I'm saying." Steve relaxed a little and Sam continued, "I think he likes you a lot, actually. I just don't want you to assume that he'll... catch you."

Tears were building in Steve's eyes and he quickly dropped his gaze as he worried his lower lip. It had been such a good night. The best night that Steve could've imagined. But now it was thrown into sharp contrast, and Steve blamed himself for being so hopeless.

"Hey," Kristin called from the other side of the bathroom, "I gotta pee, and Bucky looks like he's going to puke."

"Okay," Sam called out. Before they left though, Sam took a few steps towards Steve and placed his hand on Steve's shoulder. Quietly, Sam asked, "You okay?"

Silently, Steve nodded and quickly wiped the tear that escaped him. Sam let out a small sigh before he asked, "Wanna hug it out?"

Again, Steve nodded and Sam pulled Steve's slender frame into his muscular one. With Steve's face nestled in Sam's broad chest, Steve allowed a few tears to escape as he wrapped his thin arms around Sam's waist. Although it wasn't what Steve wanted to hear, Steve was grateful for Sam.

"Uh, guys?" Kristin questioned from the other side of the door.

The two pulled apart then and Sam patted Steve's back while giving Steve a friendly grin. Steve wiped any remnants of tears from his face and Sam opened the bathroom door. Kristin had a quirked brow and she asked Steve, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Steve said with a raspy voice. Kristin flashed Steve a sweet smile and Steve complimented her costume, "You make a good Wendy Peffercorn."

Kristin lit up and tightened her silky black ponytail. Smoothing her hand over her red bathing suit, she told Steve, "Thank you! I knew being a lifeguard would come in handy. And your makeup job is to die for."

"Thanks," Steve said and left the bathroom. Seeing that Bucky was half asleep on his bed, he headed over to the brunet and removed Bucky's shoes. Then, Steve took one of his many pillows and tossed it on the floor for himself.

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now