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Not even completely out the door and Steve was immediately pelted with snowballs. Quickly, he lifted his arm to his face, to block any and all snowballs that would manage to be aimed there. Of course, that didn't block any of the other snowballs that were harshly hitting his fragile frame.

"Isn't there some kind of precedent?" Steve called out, trying to yell louder than the wind that whipped the fresh snow around. "A rule or something? That allows me to better prepare myself?"

"No," Sam maniacally laughed throwing another perfectly constructed snowball at his roommate.

"C'mon guys," Kristin defended Steve, "Give 'im a minute."

"You snooze, you lose," Clint argued, landing a snowball in the exact center of Steve's chest.

After a moment of not being bombarded with snowballs, Steve decided to cautiously remove his arm. Coming face-to-face with Bucky as Bucky stood between Steve and the barrage. Steve was pleasantly surprised to find the taller, thicker boy in front of him. More than just because Bucky was acting as a shield, Steve concluded that he'd always be glad to find Bucky standing close like this.

Bucky brushed the melting snow from Steve's hair and ducked in close to quietly ask, "You okay?"

"Never better," Steve confidently, honestly answered.

With a satisfied smirk, Bucky pushed Steve's hair out of his eyes. Pressing his forehead against Steve's, Bucky encouraged, "Now let's go kick some ass!"

"Yeah," Steve enthusiastically agreed, earning a sincere smile from Bucky that crinkled all the way up to his steel-blue eyes.

"Are you guys gonna make out or battle?" Clint obnoxiously called out.

Bucky playfully rolled his eyes, causing Steve to smirk before Bucky called over his shoulder, "A talented man can do both, Barton."

"Man, shut up and start packing," Sam loudly replied.

"C'mon," Bucky intimately told Steve, leading him through the courtyard.

As they walked, something changed. Steve's heart started racing as he glanced expectantly over at Bucky. Nothing seemed different. Yet, Steve could still feel it in the air. A type of flight or fight perhaps. And it all had to do with the little smirk that was on Bucky's mouth. No, not the smirk, not exactly. It was the mischievous glint behind it.

That was when Bucky bent over and grabbed some snow. Bucky didn't bother to mold it into a ball. Instead, Bucky simply took the loose snow bunched in his large hand and playfully smashed it on the top of Steve's head. Making sure that it spread out thoroughly, Bucky ruffled Steve's hair.

Steve's mouth dropped open in a silent O of surprise. His body had sensed that something was going to happen, he really should've been more prepared. Yet, he wasn't, and now he was covered in snow. Cold, wet snow that he shook from his hair like a dog coming in from the rain.

Immediately, Steve turned and picked up some snow. Only half interested in forming it into a ball. However, before Steve could strike, Bucky was gleefully running away. That just made Steve more determined. And soon enough, Steve was chasing after Bucky.

Despite Steve's poor lungs -- that only got worse as the temperature dropped -- Steve pushed his shorter legs to go as fast as they could. Of course, that was always how Steve perceived life. Knowing his weaknesses and completely ignoring them. Sure, his mom wished that he would be reasonable when it came to his limits, but then Steve wouldn't be Steve.

Eventually, Steve caught up with Bucky. Steve was positive that Bucky let himself be caught; and Steve promised himself to give Bucky hell for it later. But right now, Steve allowed himself to enjoy the moment and tackled Bucky.

Fully unprepared for Steve to be so physical, Bucky instantly lost his balance. Luckily though, Bucky had quick reflexes and turned to catch Steve. Bucky didn't account for Newton's Laws of Motion, however. So, even though Steve was small, Bucky still ended up on his back with Steve on top.

"Oof," Bucky let out in a huff of air with the added weight and the shock of it all. A dopey grin was on his face as he teased Steve, "I guess I should've known you'd be the all-in type."

"Yeah," Steve said breathlessly, situating himself, so he could properly look at Bucky.

Steve's breathing was labored and Bucky brought a soggy, gloved hand up to hold Steve's face. With a stuttering heart, Steve wondered if he'd ever get used to kissing Bucky. If he'd ever grow accustomed to the way that it felt when Bucky looked at him like that.

A part of Steve hoped that he'd always feel this way. Another part used Bucky's fond gaze to his advantage and brought the snow up to rub the snow over Bucky's face.

Bucky squeezed his eyes shut, and pressed his lips tightly together in a straight line. When Bucky was sure that Steve was done, Bucky opened his eyes to only playfully narrow them at the giggling Steve.

"You are so going to pay for that," Bucky vowed, rolling the pair until he was on top.

Steve's eyes were wide with mock shock and concern. But his giggles gave him away. Steve jokingly pleaded for Bucky to not retaliate. However, Bucky was fully intent on settling the score.

"Yes," Bucky jovially stated. Starting by shaking the snow off his face -- and onto Steve's. Then leaning in close to press his cold face against Steve's while softly repeating, "'So going to pay for that."

Steve giggled and pulled back just enough so Steve could look at Bucky before he challenged the brunet, "Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?"

Bucky seductively promised, "I'm gonna show --"

"Hey!  Hey, Bucky!"

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now