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Thank all that was holy that it was finally Saturday. The entire week seemed to slowly pass as though time was stuck in molasses. But it was finally Saturday. FINALLY!

Thank fuck, Steve couldn't help but think before getting annoyed with how his sweater was hanging on his body. Aggressively, Steve tore the sweater off his body and pulled another one on. Sure, it was just a movie day. But it was with Bucky. Just Bucky.

Steve's heart stuttered in his chest at that. Pausing, Steve realized that this would be their first date. Reaching up, Steve steadied himself with his palm against the wall while grasping at his chest as the air left his lungs.

Now Steve was sure that things had to go perfectly. They just had to!

Changing into another sweater, Steve glanced at the time. His eyes bugged at the time, however. Taking in a deep breath, in hopes of controlling himself, Steve shoved his phone into his pocket and made sure that he had his inhaler. Then, he locked his dorm and left for Bucky's.

It must've been his nerves, because Steve reached Bucky's dorm in a record-breaking time. And sure, Steve was out of breath, but just thinking of Bucky had the ability to produce the same results. So, instead of focusing on his lack of breath, Steve reached up with a shaky hand and knocked.

Quickly, Bucky opened the door and greeted Steve with a friendly grin. That alone would've been enough to make Steve melt. But what really did him in was how Bucky grabbed the front of Steve's jacket, pulling the smaller boy closer. Close enough for Bucky to press his delicious lips delicately to Steve's.

Steve stumbled into the dorm and into Bucky. Not that Bucky minded in the slightest. Simply closing the door behind them as he led Steve further into the room with his tender touches and tugs at Steve's belt loops.

Around each other's lips, Bucky greeted Steve, "Hi."

Smiling, Steve pulled back to look into Bucky's eyes, "Hi."

Bucky pushed Steve's blond hair off his face, away from Steve's eyes before trailing his fingers down the side of Steve's face. Caressing the petite boy's face and leaning in to press a soft, sweet-as-honey kiss to Steve's lips. Effectively making sure that nothing was left of Steve except for a puddle on the floor.

When the pair finally pulled apart, Steve gazed fondly up at Bucky. Finding the dopey grin on Bucky's handsome face to be the pinnacle of a cherry-on-top that Steve had ever experienced. And Steve hoped that Bucky would pick up the hint the longer he stared at his lips, and that Bucky would close that distance again, so they could get some more kissing in. Yet...

"So, do you know which movie you want to start with?" Bucky asked, crossing over to where the TV was.

"Um," Steve eloquently started, shrugging out of his jacket and getting thoroughly distracted when Bucky bent over to start searching through the movies. Running his hand through his hair and taking in a deep breath to steady himself, Steve simply observed the attractive brunet. Unable to do anything, really, with Bucky tantalizingly searching through the many movies that he and Clint owned.

Steve was so distracted that he barely registered that Bucky was watching him until he ran his gaze up to Bucky's face where their eyes met. Instantly, Steve began blushing. Judging by the arrogant tug of Bucky's lips, Steve could correctly assume that Bucky knew exactly what Steve was thinking about.

Standing up straight, Bucky had an expectant quirk to his brow as he waited for Steve to speak. So, Steve started again, "Um," before immediately pausing. Only once Steve refocused his attention on the movie cases in Bucky's hands was Steve able to form a coherent sentence, "We can start with Evil Dead, if you want. Whichever one you want."

"Okay," Bucky readily agreed. Looking over the movies, Bucky internally debated which one he wanted to start with. "We can start with the 2013 one," Bucky finally decided. Then, he teased, "At least that way, we get the bad ones out of the way first."

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes. But he couldn't keep the grin off his face as he took a seat on the futon. "Okay," Steve scoffed, "We'll see. Who knows, you might even be singing a different tune once it's over."

"Yeah, let's just entertain that thought for a moment," Bucky chuckled, popping the movie into the player and taking his seat next to Steve.

Reaching across Steve, Bucky grabbed the remote, and Steve's heart stuttered. Steve wondered if he'd ever get used to being this close to Bucky. If he'd ever grow accustomed to Bucky's intoxicating scent. Wondered if Bucky's citrusy, woodsy smell would ever stop being so sweet. So tempting.

With the remote in hand, Bucky started to retreat. Of course, Bucky being Bucky and Steve being Steve, it was easy for Bucky to read Steve's current thoughts. Or at least, understand how much Steve truly desired Bucky. So, Bucky pressed a tender kiss to Steve's temple before settling in his spot.

Quickly bypassing the previews, Bucky set up the movie and placed the remotes on top of the mini fridge. Then, Bucky looked over at Steve and held out his hand, "Ready?"

"Ready," Steve agreed, placing his hand in Bucky's. Feeling over-joyed when Bucky laced their fingers together.

A Place to Fall: Falling Series 1 (skinny!Steve x Bucky Barnes College AU)Where stories live. Discover now